Certificate in Teaching Students with Autism in Special Education Schools
This certificate programme will focus on enhancing the capacities, skills and practices of the teachers teaching students with autism. It aims to achieve the following objectives:
- to provide knowledge of autism and developmental trajectory of individuals with autism through their lifespan
- to equip the teachers in the SPED schools with the pedagogical knowledge and skills in teaching students with autism
- to apply new knowledge of evidence-based practices through their implementation and evaluation to identified learning and behavioural concerns
Do I Qualify?
The participants are teachers in the SPED schools who have been nominated by their school leaders to join the programme.
This certificate consists of three courses totaling 9 academic units (AUs) which is equivalent to 117 hours. The courses will be conducted once a week in the evening at NIE.
Course Code | Title | No. of AUs |
IEC0106 | Understanding Autism | 2 |
IEC0107 | Teaching Students with Autism | 3 |
IEC0108 | Theory to Practice: Project Work | 4 |
For its course description, please see below.
Course Description
Courses | Description |
IEC0106 Understanding Autism | This course aims to provide an introduction to autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The content of the course will include the identification and diagnosis of autism; the etiology and epidemiology of autism; cognitive, behavioural, and social communication/interaction characteristics of individuals with autism; the impact of individuals with autism on their families; and the lifespan development of individuals with autism. |
IEC0107 Teaching Students with Autism | This course aims to introduce students to SPED curriculum framework on living, learning and working in the 21st century with focus on pragmatic, doable and sustainable teaching strategies. Topics to be covered include the importance of early intervention; the service delivery models including the inclusion of students with autism in regular schools; different intervention models, and respective strengths and challenges; evidence-based intervention/instruction practices regarding academics, problem behaviour, social communication, and daily living skills; student-centered planning; parental involvement. |
IEC0108 Theory to Practice: Project work | This course provides an overview of the methodology used for data collection to make data-based decisions. This is achieved with the use of evidence-based practices to develop, design and implement intervention plans for students with autism. The intervention plans involve but not limited to the following four aspects including academic behaviour, communication skills, daily living skills, and problem behaviour. |
Application For Courses
Application is through MOE’s Special Education Branch, based on nomination by the school Principal.
For enquiry on course administration, please e-mail: inservice@nie.edu.sg.