Research Capabilities

Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) Collaborations

Joint Research Centers

TL@NTU 10th Anniversary Ceremony

Temasek Laboratories @ NTU (TL@NTU)

TL@NTU was started in 2007 and houses various areas of defence research. TL@NTU aims to explore the frontiers in science and develop strategic technologies that will deliver effective solutions to enhance the defence and security of Singapore.

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High speed camera equipment in EnRI

Emerging nanoscience Research Institute (EnRI)

Set up in 2008, EnRI was started to foster research and innovation in reactive and energetics materials. Over the years, it has expanded to include associated and supporting technologies such as miniaturisation and advanced techniques.

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Car parked in EMERL chamber

Electromagnetic Effects Research Laboratory (EMERL)

EMERL is set up in 2006 to lead advanced electromagnetic effects research by developing cutting-edge electromagnetic concepts especially on emergent topics. EMERL aims to be a catalyst for interdisciplinary research and contribute to national security and economy of Singapore.

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Affiliated Research Centers

Model of X-SAT

Satellite Research Centre (SaRC)​

SaRC prides itself as an innovative centre that pro​vides an exciting and dynamic research environment for aspiring satellite and space enthusiasts. It developed the first Singapore built satellite, XSAT, where that laid the firm foundation on which SaRC currently seeks new frontiers in the space research industry.

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Testing platform in PTRC facility

Protective Technology Research Centre (PTRC)

PTRC was established in 1998 between the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Through the years, PTRC has supported various agencies and have expanded their research beyond defence applications.

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Pulling of optical fibre

The Photonics Institute (TPI)

Launched in 2014, TPI is a result of a close partnership between NTU and the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton. It is supported by institutions such as A*STAR, DSO National Laboratories and EDB. It aims to be a world-leading centre in photonics technology research consisting of several key research centers.

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Affiliated Entities

RSIS logo

S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)

RSIS was established in January 2007 as an autonomous school within the Nanyang Technological University. RSIS’ mission is to be a leading research and graduate teaching institution in strategic and international affairs in the Asia Pacific, as well as to foster a global network of like-minded professional schools.

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SAF-NTU Academy entrance

SAF-NTU Academy

SAF-NTU Academy was setup in 2010, strategically positioned to effectively leverage on the strengths of both the defence and academic ecosystems. This
multidisciplinary centre would support, cultivate and attract faculty and researchers to meet the needs of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) for the professional military education of its servicemen.

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Cyber Security Agency, Singapore (CSA) Collaborations

Joint Research Facility

Artist Impression of NICE Entrance

National Integrated Centre for Evaluation (NICE)

Opening Soon...

In collaboration with CSA, NiCE will be established as a one-stop facility for product testing and evaluation. The centre aims to further develop competencies in advanced hardware and software security evaluation techniques and help build a pipeline of local evaluation professionals. It will also seed a community of practice, supporting a sustainable industry ecosystem for product evaluation and certification.

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