Grant Call 1

About This Grant Call

R&D Grant Call for the Cyber-Hardware Forensics & Assurance Evaluation R&D Programme (CHFA) focuses on seeking complementary and synergistic research to existing projects in its respective thrusts.


The following list is non-exhaustive and PIs may propose other topics which could be relevant to the programme:

  • Rapid Recovery Forensics R&D
  • Evaluating Modern Processors and Hardware for Security, Privacy and Assurance



An info session was held on 18 November 2019 (Monday) to introduce the programme, its thrusts, use cases and to launch the Grant Call.

To understand more about the programme, the thrusts, and the use cases, please take a look at the briefing deck shared during our info session. <<Download CHFA-RnDGC-InfoSessionDeck_compressed here>>


Project Funding Specifications

<Edit Jan 2020: Since 1 January 2020, all projects will follow expenditure guidelines stated in the latest 'NRF Harmonised Terms and Conditions of Research Grants' and 'NRF Harmonised Guidelines for the Management of Research Grants' issued by NRF. These documents will supersede corresponding relevant information in 'CHFA - RnD Grant Application Info' where applicable.>

Duration ​
1.​The duration of each project is up to 3 years.
2.​This grant will provide 10% IRC/overheads above direct research costs for Singapore-based Institutes of Higher Learning and Research Institutions. The total quantum will not exceed $1,000,000 (inclusive of 10% IRC/Overheads).
Expenditure Guidelines

Please refer to the list of fundable and non-fundable items outlined in Appendix A of 'CHFA - RnD - Grant Application Info' included in the 'CHFA - RnD Submission Package' . The list may be subject to changes.

4.​The grant call is open to all Faculty and Principle Investigators from a publicly-funded Singaporean Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) or Research Institution (RI); where

Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs):
  • National University of Singapore (NUS)
  • Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
  • Singapore Management University (SMU)
  • Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
  • Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
  • Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)

Research Institutions (RIs):
  • A*STAR Research Institutes/Centres/Consortia
5.​Each proposal submission must have a Principal Investigator (PI) who is a full-time staff (or part-time with at least 75% appointment) at publicly-funded Singapore based IHL/RI. The PI and his research team mates must not have any outstanding report(s) from other national grants. The CVs of all members (PI, all Co-PIs and Collaborators) listed in the application form must be appended with the proposal submission. For format and required information in the CV, please refer to Appendix B of 'CHFA - RnD - Grant Application Info' included in the 'CHFA - RnD Submission Package' .
6.​Only research conducted in Singapore may be funded under the CHFA Programme. Researchers from Government and/or cybersecurity industry in Singapore are eligible to apply as collaborators. International researchers are welcomed as collaborators. Collaborators are not restricted to any category but are not eligible to receive any funding.
7.​Proposals already funded by other funding agencies are not eligible for funding under this grant call.

Application & Evaluation Criteria

<Edit Feb 2020: Application is closed>

Submission ​

There are 4 files within the 'CHFA - RnD Submission Package' :

Grant Application Information:
1. CHFA - RnD - Grant Application Info.pdf

Templates: All templates must be completed; and where applicable, with relevant supporting documents attached.
2. CHFA - Annex C – Full Proposal (template).docx
3. CHFA - Annex D – Project Budget (template).xlsx
4. CHFA - Annex E – Project Performance Indicators (template).docx

Please note that the ‘Proposal ID’ will be assigned and filled by CHFA. In addition to an editable-softcopy of each form, please include a scanned signed copy of Annex C, before submitting to your Research Office. There is no Annex A & B in this package.

Download CHFA - RnD Submission


​All applications must be submitted to CHFA through your respective Research Office. Any direct submissions will not be considered.

All submitted proposals by the Research Offices are deemed to have its contents verified and the submission (and the Grant Call T&Cs) supported by your institute. Please ensure your internal processes are followed.


All proposals must reach CHFA by 31 Jan 2020 (1200 hrs, Friday, Singapore Time)

Please abide to the internal submission deadline determined by your respective Research Offices.


​Grant Call opens: 18 Nov 2019

Grant Call closes: 31 Jan 2020

Award announcement: No later than 1 Apr 2020

Tentative project start date: 1 May 2020

Criteria & Scoring 
  • ​Potential Impact & Application Significance
  • ​Comparative Advantage
  • ​Rigour of Approach
  • ​Novelty
  • ​PI Track Record
  • ​Budget & Utilization
Evaluation Panel ​
  • PIs from CHFA
  • Representatives from CSA, MHA, MINDEF & NRF
  • External Reviewers


Other Information