BMS Curriculum AY2018 Intake

Double Degree B.Sc. (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences & B.Medicine (Chinese Medicine)

For students admitted in AY2018


Year 1 Semester 1CoreBS1001Introductory Biology^3
CoreBS1003Organic Chemistry3
CoreBS1101Basics of TCM (中医基础理论)6
GER-CoreBS0001Biology and Society3
Total AUs25


Year 1 Semester 2CoreBS1005Biochemistry I3
CoreBS1006Principles of Genetics3
CoreBS1007Molecular & Cell Biology I3
CoreBS1009Introduction to Computational Thinking3
CoreBS1100Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques Level 13
CoreBS1102TCM in Ancient Chinese (医古文)6
GER-CoreGC0001Sustainability: Seeing through the Haze^1
Total AUs22

** Students will be pre-registered with GER-PE-BM (BU8301) in their first semester. Students may drop the pre-registered GER-PE-BM and register for other available GER-PEs.


Year 2 Semester 1CoreBS2001Physiology3
CoreBS2102Chinese Materia Medica (中药学)6
CoreBS2103TCM Diagnostics (中医诊断学)6
GER-CoreML0003Kickstart your Career Success1
GER-CoreBS0004Introduction to Data Science3
GER-CoreHW0128Scientific Communication I2
Total AUs24


Year 2 Semester 2CoreBS3104Pathology (病理学)3
CoreBS2105Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine (内经学)6
CoreBS2106TCM Formulary (方剂学)8
CoreBS2107TCM Internship I (课间见习 I)3
GER-CoreHY0001Ethics and Moral Reasoning^1
Total AUs24


Year 3 Semester 1CoreBS3018Plant biology3
CoreBS3101Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases (伤寒论)6
CoreBS3108Acupuncture and Moxibustion (针灸学)6
CoreBS3103TCM Internship II (课间见习 II)3
Major-PE-(From Table A or Table B)3
Total AUs21

Note: Courses from table B are offered in semester 2. You may opt to read the MPE in year 3 sem 2 as long as you are able to fulfil the Major PE requirements within your course of study.


Year 3 Semester 2CoreBS3109Fundamentals of Immunology3
CoreBS2104Biomedical Pharmacology (药理学)3
CoreBS3102Synopsis of the Golden Chamber (金匮要略)6
CoreBS3106Seasonal Febrile Diseases (溫病学)6
CoreBS3107TCM Internship III (课间见习 III)3
GER-CoreET0001Entrepreneurship and Innovation^1
Total AUs22


Inter-semester Break
Major-PEBS4020Final Year Project12
Total AUs12


Traditional Chinese Medicine Advanced Principles and Clinical Training at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM), China (Year 4 and Year 5)

Year 4 Semester 1CoreBasics of Diagnostics (诊断学基础)
CoreInternal Medicine of TCM (中医內科学)
CoreOtolaryngology of TCM (中医耳鼻喉科学)
CoreSelected Literature in TCM (各家学说)
Core​TCM Tui-Na (中医推拿学)


Year 4 Semester 2CoreModern Internal Medicine (西医內科学)
Core​Gynaecology of TCM (中医妇科学)
Core​External Medicine of TCM (中医外科学)
Core​Paediatrics of TCM (中医儿科学)
Core​Dermatology of TCM (中医皮肤病学)
CoreOrthopaedics, Traumatology of TCM (中医骨伤学)
Core​Ophthalmology of TCM (中医眼科学)
CoreOncology of TCM (中医肿瘤科科学)


Year 5
Semester 1 & 2
(18 AU)
CoreTCM Clinical internship (中医临床实习)


NTU reserves all rights to make changes to the programme structure with prior notice.​​​​​​​​​