BSFST Curriculum AY2014 Intake

B.Sc. (Hons) in Biological Sciences with Food Science & Technology Major

For students admitted in AY2014

Year 1 Semester 1CoreBS1001Introductory Biology3
CoreBS1002Biophysical Chemistry3
CoreBS1003Organic Chemistry3
GER-CoreML0001Absolute Basics for Career1
Total AUs16

Year 1 Semester 2CoreBS1005Biochemistry I3
CoreBS1006Principles of Genetics3
CoreBS1007Molecular & Cell Biology I3
GER-CoreGC0001Sustainability: Seeing through the Haze1
Total AUs19

Year 2 Semester 1CoreBS2001Physiology3
CoreBS2003Biochemistry II3
CoreBS2004Molecular & Cell Biology II3
GER-CoreHW0128Scientific Communication I2
GER-UECH9201Food Chemistry5
GER-UECourses from the Food Science and Technology Major3
Total AUs22

Year 2 Semester 2CoreBS2008Experimental Molecular & Cell Biology3
Major-PE-(From Table A)9
GER-CoreHW0228Scientific Communication II2
GER-CoreHY0001Ethics and Moral Reasoning1
GER-UECH9200Food Microbiology3
GER-UECourses from the Food Science and Technology Major3
Total AUs21

Inter-semester Break (May-July)Major-PEBS9001Research Experience3
Total AUs3

Year 3 Semester 1Major-PE-(From Table B)9
GER-CoreML0002Career Power Up!1
GER-CoreBS0001Biology and Society3
GER-UECH9203Food Process Engineering5
GER-UECourses from the Food Science and Technology Major3
Total AUs21

Year 3 Semester 2Major-PE-(From Table C)12
GER-CoreET0001Entrepreneurship and Innovation1
GER-UECH9202Food Physics3
GER-UECH9204Quality Systems Operations2
Total AUs18

Year 4 Semester 1Major-PE-(From Table B)12
GER-UECourses from the Food Science and Technology Major6
Total AUs18

Year 4 Semester 2Major-PE- BS4020 - Final Year Project
BS4222 - Professional Internship
Total AUs12

Food Science and Technology Major Structure

5 Compulsory CoursesGER-UECH9201Food Chemistry5
GER-UECH9200Food Microbiology3
GER-UECH9203Food Process Engineering5
GER-UECH9202Food Physics3
GER-UECH9204Quality Systems Operations2
Total AUs18

Choose 5 courses from the following list.

5 Prescribed ElectivesGER-UEBG4215Biomedical Nanotechnology3
GER-UECH4306Bioanalytical Techniques3
GER-UECH4213Pharmacokinetics & Biopharmaceutics3
GER-UECM9102Food Analysis (with laboratory)3
GER-UECM4013Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry3
GER-UEBS3012Functional genomics and proteomics3
GER-UEBS3018Plant biology3
Total AUs15


- Food Science and Technology courses will begin in Year 2 Semester 1.

- Students are only allowed to read BS3012 and BS3018 once, either as Major PE or GER-UE.

- BS9001 Research Experience (Optional): If a student earns 3AU by completing BS9001 Research Experience course, he/she may take 1 less Major-PE (3AU) from Table B or C. 

Table A

Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AUs
BS2009Advanced Biochemistry3
BS2012Genetics & Genomics3
BS2014Microbial Biotechnology3
BS211S^Equations of Life3
BS3332Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Methods in Histology3
BS3335Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Protein behavior in health and disease – biophysical tools3

Table B

Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AUs
BS2103*TCM Diagnostics (中医诊断学)6
BS3003Developmental biology3
BS3004Cancer biology and Therapy3
BS3005Advanced Molecular Genetics3
BS3016Molecular Evolution3
BS3018Plant biology3
BS3020Plant Biotechnology3
BS3021Bioimaging Techniques in EM3
BS3023Regulatory Control of Healthcare Products and Medical Devices3
BS3024Evolution in Health and Disease3
BS3334#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB)  Workshop (Series II) – DNA engineering for Fluorescent In-situ Hybridization (FISH)3
BS3338#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Effect of Anti-mitotic Drugs on Cancer Cells3
BS3342#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Role of Actin cytoskeleton regulators in metastasis3
BS3343#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) - Genetics of Human Diseases3
BS4004Current topics in immunology3
BS4009Biology of Aging3
BS4010Synthetic Biology3
BS4011Biology of Social Behavior3
BS4012Current Topics in Cancer Drug Discovery3
BS4013Physiological Systems: Animal Models for drug development3
BS4014Molecular Basis of Diseases3
BS9001Research Experience3

Table C

Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AUs
BS1101*Basics of TCM (中医基础理论)6
BS3008Computational Biology & Modelling3
BS3010Current topics in stem cell and developmental biology3
BS3011Protein folding & biomolecular NMR3
BS3012Functional genomics and proteomics3
BS3013Drug discovery & development, biotechnology3
BS3014Biological foundations of behavior3
BS3015The RNA World3
BS3017Advanced Microbial Pathogenesis3
BS3019Neuropsychology of Stress and Resilience3
BS3022Protein Trafficking3
BS3030Telomere Biology: Genome Stability, Cancer and Ageing3
BS3331#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Applied Immunology3
BS3336#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Proteomics Workshop3
BS3339#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Neurobiology3
BS3340#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Science of aging and life extension in C. elegans3
BS3341#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Handling Stress and Resilience3

^ Online courses

* BS1101 and BS2103 are considered as ONE Major PE

# Recommended Major-PE which is conducted during the 1-week term break or during the 2-weeks before the term starts.

NTU reserves all rights to make changes to the programme structure with prior notice.​​​​​​​​​