BSFST Curriculum AY2020 Intake

B.Sc. (Hons) in Biological Sciences with Food Science & Technology Major

Curriculum and Course Descriptions AY2020 Intake and onwards

Year 1 Semester 1CoreBS1001Introductory Biology^3
CoreBS1002Biophysical Chemistry3
CoreBS1003Organic Chemistry3
GER-CoreHW0128Scientific Communication I2
Total AUs17

Year 1 Semester 2CoreBS1005Biochemistry I3
CoreBS1006Principles of Genetics3
CoreBS1007Molecular & Cell Biology I3
CoreBS1009Introduction to Computational Thinking3
CoreBS1100Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques Level 13
GER-CoreGC0001Sustainability: Seeing through the Haze^1
Total AUs19

Year 2 Semester 1CoreBS2001Physiology3
CoreBS2003Biochemistry II3
Major-PE-(From Table A)3
GER-CoreML0003Kickstart your Career Success1
GER-CoreBS0004Introduction to Data Science3
GER-UECH5201Food Chemistry#5
Total AUs21

Year 2 Semester 2Major-PE-(From Table A)6
CoreBS4223Professional Career Development1
GER-CoreHW0228Scientific Communication II2
GER-CoreHY0001Ethics and Moral Reasoning^1
GER-CoreBS0005One Health3
GER-UECH5200Food Microbiology#3
GER-UE-(From Table C)6
Total AUs22

Year 3 Semester 1CoreBS4224Professional Internship11
Total AUs11

Year 3 Semester 2Major-PE-(From Table A)15
GER-CoreET0001Entrepreneurship and Innovation^1
GER-UECH5202Food Physics#3
GER-UECH5204Quality Systems Operations2
Total AUs21

Year 4 Semester 1Major-PE-(From Table A)6
GER-UE-(From Table C)6
GER-UECH5203Food Process Engineering#5
Total AUs20

Year 4 Semester 2Major-PE- BS4020 - Final Year Project
(From Table A)
GER-UE-(From Table C)3
Total AUs15

^ Online course

# The FST laboratory classes will be conducted during the vacation week for 1 week or 2 weeks (full day). Attendance is compulsory.

Table A

Click to Show Table

Table B

Click to Show Table

# Major PE which is conducted during the 1-week term break or during the 2 weeks before the term starts.

^^ BS1101 and BS2103 are considered as ONE Major PE.

++ Recommended Major PE which is conducted during the inter-semestral break. Completion of BS9001 will allow you to do one less Major PE in any of the future semesters. Registration of BS9001 will be done by the School. It is a pass/fail course

Table C

(NTU-FST Prescribed Electives courses)

Students are required to read FIVE of the following courses, total 15AUs

Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AU
BS3018^^^Plant biology3
BS4015^^Plant Biotechnology3
AAQ10APrinciples of Nutrition3
​AAQ20EApplied Nutrition​3
BG4215Biomedical Nanotechnology3
CH4213Pharmacokinetics & Biopharmaceutics3
CH4306Bioanalytical Techniques3
CH5220Food Standards in Food Production and Trade3
CH5221Food Industry Seminar Series3
CM4013Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry3
CM5102Food Analysis (with laboratory)3

^^^ BS2022, BS3018 and BS4015 will be registered as UE. Students who would like to read BS2022/BS3018/BS4015 as Major PE, i.e. not as UE under 2nd major in FST, are to write to the School to request for change in course type after registration.

NTU reserves all rights to make changes to the programme structure with prior notice.​​​​​​​​​