Table A - Major PE (Semester 2)


Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AUs
BS2004^^Molecular & Cell Biology II3
BS2020Mathematics and Physics for the Structural Biologist3
BS2021RNA Structures & RNA based Drug Development3
BS2025One Health3
BS2011^Equations of Life3
BS3001Neurobiology (cease to offer until further notice)3
BS3008Computer Aided Drug Discovery3
BS3013Drug discovery & development, biotechnology3
BS3014Biological foundations of behavior (On hold)3
BS3022Protein Trafficking3
BS3025NMR in Structural Biology3
BS3028Natural Products in Medicinal Chemistry3
​​BS3036​Fundamentals of Immunology- concepts and experiments3
BS3104Pathology (病理学)3
BS3332#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Methods in Histology  3
BS3335#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Protein behavior in health and disease – biophysical tools3
BS3340#Undergraduate Advanced Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Science of aging and life extension in C. elegans 3
BS3351Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Plant Taxonomy and Molecular Phylogenetics3
BS4011Biology of Social Behavior (On hold)3
BS4018Biology of Aging and Neurodegeneration3
​BS4019​Discovery and Development of Therapeutic Antibodies3
BS4205Good Manufacturing Practice and Sterilisation for Medical Devices3
ES2303Introduction to Ecology3

# Major PE which is conducted during the 1-week term break

^^ BS2004 – MPE for AY2021 intake and before; Core for AY2022 intake and onwards for all programmes.

“BS2011 Equations of Life” has final examination during term break. The entire course duration is from teaching week 1- week 7. Please check the NTU Learn course site for more information.

Click here to view outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL) course information.