Minor in Life Sciences

The Minor in Life Sciences is offered to all NTU students except students who are registered in the School of Biological Sciences degree programs. The purpose of this program is to prepare non​-Biology major students for a variety of career opportunities in, and related to, the Life Sciences industry. The program is extremely useful for students majoring in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Material Science, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Sports Science and Business who are interested in complementing their major study with knowledge of today’s Life Sciences.


A minimum of 15AUs shall constitute a Minor in Life Sciences and may be obtained over the duration of the student’s respective degree program. To fulfill this requirement the student must take courses from the lists below.

The following 4 courses are compulsory:

Course CodeCourse TitleAUsSemester
BS1001​Introductory Biology31
BS1005Biochemistry I32
BS1006Principles of Genetics32
BS1007Molecular and Cell Biology I32

Students are to select 1 course from the list below:

Course CodeCourse TitleAUsSemester
BS1016** or BS2001Physiology31
BS2004Molecular and Cell Biology II32

** BS1016 Physiology will replace BS2001 Physiology as one of the elective courses in the minor of life sciences elective basket with effect from AY2023/24 SEM 1. BS2001 Physiology last offered in AY2022/23 Sem 1.



  • For students who read ‘CM1002 Foundations of Chemistry II” from AY2022 onwards, you must read “BS1005 Biochemistry I’ (Compulsory) to fulfil minor in Life Sciences Requirements. For AY22 intake (Chemistry) students, you have to request for waiver for BS1005 from CCEB office @ cceb_ugmatters@ntu.edu.sg  
  • For students who read ‘CM1051 Basic Biology and Biochemistry’ from AY2019 to AY2021, you are to replace ‘BS1005 Biochemistry I’ with one of the electives i.e. BS1008 / BS2001 / BS2002 / BS2004.
  • For students who read ‘CM1051 Basic Biology and Biochemistry’ from AY2015 to AY2018, you are to replace ‘BS1001 Introductory Biology’ with one of the electives i.e. BS1008 / BS2001 / BS2002 / BS2004.

For more information on Minor programmes, please refer to the Office of Academic Services website at https://www.ntu.edu.sg/education/degree-programmes#Content_C109_Col03