Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences with Second Major in Data Analytics

Single Degree with 2nd Major

Programme Type


Data analytics tools are evolving at a rapid pace. With large quantity of data available at our fingertips, there are opportunities to gain actionable insights by leveraging on these data, especially in the biological sciences industry. However, there is a shortage of qualified data analysts and data scientists in the market today. 

The BSc in Biological Sciences with Second Major in Data Analytics programme is an interdisciplinary programme offered by NTU's College of Science in partnership with the College of Engineering. The curriculum has been curated to ensure that students receive critical knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Foundation in Mathematics, Statistics and Algorithms: The core courses in this group are focused on probability and statistics, linear algebra and algorithms/programming.
  • Essentials in Data Analytics: The core courses in this group are focused on database, data mining and data visualization/management.
  • Advanced Electives in Data Analytics: Students can choose from a variety of elective courses across different schools in College of Science and College of Engineering.

Unique Feature

The Biological Sciences degree focuses on studying bio-systems of living organisms, e.g. human, animals bacteria, viruses and plants and more, while the second major in Data Analytics focuses on analysing data to gain actionable insights that complements the research aspect of the BS degree.

  • Cross-trained in Biological Sciences and Data Analytics
  • All 2nd major courses taught by different schools across College of Science and College of Engineering in Nanyang Technological University

Admission Requirements

Candidates must meet the entry requirements of the primary Bachelor of Engineering/Science programme, including the minimum subject requirements. Please refer to the Office of Admissions for more information.   

Programme Structure & Duration


This is a full time four-year Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biological Sciences with 2nd major in Data Analytics.

During the period of study for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences with Data Analytics Major, a student must pursue such courses of study as may be prescribed by Regulations made by the Academic Board on the recommendation of the School of Biological Sciences.

For successful completion of the programme and be eligible for graduation, students are required to fulfil the following requirements:

  • For students admitted to the programme (From AY2022 and onwards) should obtain a total of not less than 136 academic units within the maximum period permitted, unless a candidate has been granted exemption by the School from taking certain courses, on a case-by-case basis.
  • Students are required to maintain a CGPA of at least 4.0 throughout their programme. Should a student fail to maintain the required CGPA, the school would recommend to him/her the option to drop the 2nd major and join the standard BS (Hons) programme.
  • To qualify for the Data Analytics Major, students must complete a minimum of:
    • 31AUs of Data Analytics courses (BS1009 – 3AU course can be counted to fulfil both Core and 2nd major requirement, but the AU will only be credited to core). 

The following BS course could be double-counted to fulfil both Core and Second Major requirements:

BS1009 Introduction to Computational Thinking 3 AU

The following two BS elective courses should be used for double-counting towards both Major Prescribed Elective and the Second Major Elective Requirement:

BS3008 Computer Aided Drug Discovery 3 AU
BS4017 High-Throughput Bioinformatics 3 AU

Programme Structure details for matriculation Year 2022 to 2024


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