Mathematics Programme

8.00amRegistrationMAS Atrium
9.00amWelcome Address (Associate Chair) and Student Sharing Session
11.00amForum: University Life by Dr Koh Tech Seng 
12.00pmLunch (Poster Session)SPMS MAS Atrium
1.30pmLecture 1: Winning by Losing: Unravelling the Mysteries of Parrondo's Paradox by Assoc Prof Cheong Kang HaoSPMS MAS Comp Lab 1
3.30pmBreakMAS Atrium
4.00pmLecture 1 (cont'd)SPMS Level 5
6.00pmEnd of Day - transfer to Hall 
7.30pmStargazing (Dependent on weather) 


8.30amBreakfastMAS Atrium
9.00amLecture 2: Statistics and Machine Learning: A Very Short Introduction by Assoc Prof Patrick Pun 
11.00amForum: Value of a Science Degree (Joint forum with Physics students) 
12.00pmLunch (together with other NTU Science Discovery Camp participants)SBS Lobby
1.30pmLecture 3: Unlocking Victory: Mastering Games Through the Power of Optimisation Models by Asst Prof Yan Zhenzhen 
3.30pmBreakMAS Atrium
4.00pmLecture 3 (cont'd) 
6.00pmEnd of Day


8.30amBreakfastMAS Atrium
9.00amLecture 4: The Secret for Communicating Secrets by Dr Ku Cheng Yeaw 
11.00amLecture 4 (cont'd) 
12.00pmLunch (Mingling session with faculty)MAS Atrium
1.30pmLecture 5: Topology: Imagining the Possible Shapes of Space by Assoc Prof Andrew Kricker 
3.30pmBreakMAS Atrium
4.00pmLecture 5 (cont'd) 