SAF-NTU Programmes

The SAF-NTU programmes cater to both the professional military education and continuing education needs of SAF leaders.  They are delivered by academic faculty members from the NTU Schools, mainly the Nanyang Business School and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, and are pegged at the post-graduate, undergraduate and non-accredited levels according to the level of SAF schools and courses involved.

To promote lifelong learning through continuing education among SAF leaders, SNA supports the SAF in curating and expanding the offerings of Master’s degree level programmes and courses for military leaders to further develop and upgrade themselves professionally and academically, and also deepen their expertise in choice areas of specialisation.

To expand the academic curriculum and provide a unique learning experience for SAF leaders, SNA additionally supports the SAF in facilitating and managing the semester exchange of SAF-NTU undergraduates with cadet-undergraduates of renowned military institutions in the United States (US), namely, the US Air Force Academy, the US Naval Academy, and the US Military Academy (West Point).

Other than providing education services through the various professional military education and continuing education programmes, SNA also manages the Military Education Research Consultancy Programme jointly with the SAF.  This programme seeks to generate multidisciplinary, SAF-relevant knowledge for purposes of education or operational needs.

The SAF-NTU Academy administers and manages the SAF-NTU programmes, working closely with the Goh Keng Swee Command and Staff College (GKSCSC) and the SAF Education Office (SEO) at the SAFTI Military Institute, as well as the Personnel Management Centers and Training Departments of the Services on the education and training requirements and the delivery standards.


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