Current Course Offering

Semester 2, AY2024

Course Code
​​Course Title
HG2003Phonetics and PhonologyLai Yunfan
HG2010Bilingualism and MultilingualismLi Nguyen
HG2013Child LanguageFrancis C. K. Wong
HG2014Second Language AcquisitionKastoori D/O Kalaivanan
HG2016Language and MusicRachel S.Y. Chen
HG2017Father-and-Mother tongues: Languages of SE AsiaGeoffrey Benjamin
HG2021Intercultural Communication;Li Nguyen
HG2023Language and GenderZoe Chen
HG2035Singapore’s LanguageTan Ying Ying
HG2051Language, and the ComputerHiram Ring
HG2052Language, Technology, and the InternetLee Junwen
HG2099Languages of the WorldHiram Ring
HG3010Language and Communication DisordersFrancis C. K. Wong
HG3021Language ChangeTamisha Tan
HG3023Anthropological LinguisticsAlexander Coupe
HG4014Designing Interaction-driven Learning Environments for CommunicationRachel S. Y. Chen
HG4023Language Planning and PolicyTan Ying Ying
HG4025Linguistics EthnographyLuke Lu
HG4033Advanced Conversation AnalysisLim Ni Eng
HG4040Phonological TheoryNiels Torben Kuehlert
HG4042How and Why Languages DifferNiels Torben Kuehlert
HG4043Language Universals & Language TypesLee Junwen
HG4047Pragmatic TheoryHaoze Li
HG4049Semantic AnalysisHaoze Li
HG4062Language, Culture, Society in Southeast AsiaGeoffrey Benjamin
HG4073Morphology at the InterfacesTamisha Tan

Semester 1, AY2024

Course Code
​​Course Title
HG1001Mind and MeaningDennis Tay
HG2001Morphology and SyntaxTamisha Tan
HG2002Semantics and PragmaticsHaoze Li
HG2020Language in SocietyLuke Lu
HG2034Structure of Modern EnglishTan Ying Ying
HG2018Neurodiversity and Communicative DisabilitiesRachel S.Y. Chen
HG2021Intercultural CommunicationLi Nguyen
Globalisation and World Englishes
Francesco Cavallaro / Tan Ying Ying
HG2033Introduction to Conversation AnalysisLim Ni Eng
HG2051Language and the ComputerHiram Ring
HG2052Language, Technology and the InternetLee Junwen
HG2096What's in a text? - Analysing Written DiscourseLuke Lu
HG3005Statistics for PsycholinguisticsFrancis C. K. Wong
HG3031Methods in SociolinguisticsFrancesco Cavallaro
HG3047Experimenting with Spoken LanguageHaoze Li
HG4011Language and the BrainFrancis C. K. Wong
HG4013Multilingualism Across the LifespanNg Bee Chin
HG4031Multimodality in Situated ContextsRachel S. Y. Chen
HG4041Theories of GrammarTamisha Tan
HG4047Pragmatic TheoryAlexander Coupe
HG4051Corpus LinguisticsLee Junwen
HG4054Language and Society Through Data AnalyticsDennis Tay
HG4062Language, Culture and Society in Southeast AsiaGeoffrey Benjamin