Accepted Papers

The order of presentations will be determined closer to conference dates.
Sofia Oskolskaya;
Maksim Fedotov;
Elizaveta Zabelina;
Natalia Zaika
(In)stability of caritive expressions in the languages of the world
Andrey Drinfeld;
Jose Antonio Jódar-Sánchez
‘And’ verbs in Torricelli languages: description, typology, and diachrony
Jesus Olguin;
Alonso Vásquez;
Pilar Valenzuela
‘From…to/until…’: Beginning-to-end constructions in typological perspective
Sune Gregersen;
Eva van Lier
A cross-linguistic survey of habitual markers
Mae Carroll;
Sacha Beniamine
A 'data-direct' typology of exponence
Anna BugaevaA diachronic study of anticausatives in Ainu
Lulu Zou;
Cathryn Yang
A diachronic typological approach to the development of complex contour tones
Antoni Brosa-Rodríguez;
M. Dolores Jiménez-López;
Adrià Torrens-Urrutia
A Gradient Language Universal (GLU) Model for Quantifying Typological Universality and Language Complexity from UD data
Egor KashkinA non-standard grammaticalization path of visual perception verbs: evidence from Tatyshly Udmurt
Xu YangA Study of Bodily Sensation Events and Their Constructions in Mandarin Chinese
Tao ZhangA Typological Approach to Chinese Modal Auxiliary Construction: A case of Yào-MAC in Chinese
Fangqiong ZhanA typological investigation of the development of the Chinese discourse marker V-qilai
Silvia Luraghi;
Simone Mattiola
A typological view of verbal reduplication in ancient Indo-European languages
Katherine Walker;
Eva van Lier
A typology of conditional indexing
Lukas DenkAllomorphs remain complex when they are prominent and frequent
Hing-Yuet FungAn oblique case of asymmetry: Word orders in OV/VO languages and languages without a dominant word order
Guglielmo Inglese;
Jean-Christophe Verstraete
Anticausative constructions in Australian languages: a synchronic and diachronic typology
Alice BondarenkoAntipassive uses of the Swedish middle marker: an areal perspective
Shelece EasterdayAre primal consonant inventory gaps diachronically stable?
Jessica K. Ivani;
Taras Zakharko
Aspects of phasal polarity in Suansu
Christine Lamarre;
Na Song;
Kemin Sun
Associated Motion markers and Directionals in Sinitic languages
Johan van der Auwera;
Umarani Pappuswamy
At least' indefinites in Dravidian
Shogo MizunoAxial forms exhibit stronger cohesion with the ground nominal than directional markers
Randy J. LaPollaBackground and key concepts of the two approaches and the motivation for bringing them together for a more empirical and comprehensive approach to typology and language description
Agnes ConradBare Classifiers in a Contact Zone of Southwest China: Case study of Eastern Minyag
Guglielmo Inglese;
Fabio Gasparini;
Maurizio Viano
Basic valency in Semitic: a comparative diachronic outlook
Kira Davey;
Keira Mullan
Beyond canonical typology: A framework for the typological study of major word classes
Jacob MenschelBeyond voice: covert symmetrical diathesis alternations in Andoke (Northwestern Amazonia)
Colin Bannard;
Emily Hanink;
Jens Hopperdietzel;
Andrew Koontz-Garboden;
Siena Weingartz
Biases in the lexical category of property concept words: A reevaluation of Dixon (1982)
Yi-Yang Cheng;
Andre Goderich
Case Marker Syncretism and Proper Names in Matu’uwal Atayal, an Austronesian Language of Taiwan
Siyu Liu;
Michael Cysouw
Comparative categories for content interrogatives
Ian Joo;
Yu-Yin Hsu
Comparing phonological profiles via Phonotacticon, a phonotactic database
Lin LuConstructing a Reference Grammar from a Typological Perspective: Integrating the Creation of Meaning Theory and Radical Construction Grammar—The Case of O.Thog Tibetan
Qi HuangContrast and referentiality of Meixian Hakka numeral classifiers in exophoric and endophoric contexts—implications for grammaticalization scenarios
Annemarie Verkerk;
Hedvig Skirgård
Controlling for genealogical and spatial autocorrelation: what do(n’t) we lose by sampling?
Wen Lu;
Man Shan Hui;
Pui Yiu Szeto
Convergence zones in Central China
Xiaoxue SunCorrelations between Classifiers and Plurality
Yuan-Lin Mickey YangCross the Domains or Not? Typological Implications of Toda Seediq Modal Auxiliaries
Olga Nádvorníková;
Alexandr Rosen
Cross-linguistic variations in syntactic complexity: insights from a multilingual parallel corpus
Sami HonkasaloCumulative comparatives: At the crossroads of aspect and comparative constructions?
György RákosiDatives and for-PPs in competition: A diachronic change in Hungarian
Zhou BeiDegree markers: a typology perspective
Yanding GuoDependency Distance May Not Exhibit Significant Difference in Word Order Typology: A token-based Study Based on "Dependency Dropping "Hypothesis
Zahid AkterDiachronic Typology of Verbal Argument Indexation: Insights from South Central (Kuki-Chin) Tibeto-Burman Languages
Naonori Nagaya;
Mai Hayashi
Differential object marking in Tagalog
Yui SuzukiDifferential subject marking in Turkish complement clauses: A corpus study
Bill PalmerDirectional terms in Papuan languages: a survey
Daria AlfimovaEach Baltic valency is Baltic in its own way: Evidence from a parallel corpus of film subtitles
Hongmei FangEcho answers
Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg;
Charlotte Hemmings;
I Wayan Arka;
Engga Zakaria Sangian
Enggano Middle Voice and Valence Over Time
Matías Guzmán Naranjo;
Marvin Martiny
Errors; mistakes and typological claims
Edmond Cane;
Artur Jaupaj
Evolution and entrenchment of basic color terms in Albanian from a usage-based cognitivist angle
Muhammad Zakaria;
David A. Peterson
Evolutionary pathways between applicative, causative, and middle
Ling JiangExploring Cross-Linguistic Patterns in Experiencer Constructions
Althea Löfgren;
Santiago Herrera;
Bruno Guillaume;
Natalia Levshina;
Sylvain Kahane
Exploring Sampling Strategies for Linguistic Diversity: A Comparative Analysis of UD Treebanks
I Wayan ArkaExploring the Attrition and Demise of Symmetricality in Austronesian Voice Systems: Insights from Barrier Islands Languages of Indonesia and Beyond
Shobhana Chelliah;
Grayson Ziegler
Facilitating typological comparison across Tibeto-Burman languages using Hierarchical Interlinear Glossed Text (HIGT)
Thomas StolzFamiliarity-based splits in the grammar of toponyms
Carolyn SiegmanFricatives or approximants: A typology of stop-to-continuant processes
Sasha WilmothFrom nominal to verbal negation in Western Desert (Pama-Nyungan): an alternative Negative Existential Cycle
Tom KossFuture and past tenses in binary tense systems
Iker Salaberri;
Borja Ariztimuño-Lopez
Grammaticalization of tense-aspect-mood and the typology of NOT YET expressions
Kseniia Erokhina;
Irene Gorbunova
Hiding behind my back: deictic system shift in Southern Ludian
Jun Lu;
Na Liu
Honorific Forms of Personal Pronouns in Tibeto-Burman Languages and Their Typological Significance
Wiltrud MihatschHow grammar steers lexical change: linking linguistic relativity and lexical typology
Luca AlfieriHow much history in typology? A typologically-consistent, text-based, quantitative approach to the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European adjective class
Wesley Kuhron JonesHow pragmatic implicature can thwart a common grammaticalization pathway: From location to completion in Horokoi
Philip Rogers;
Jesus Olguin
If we hadn’t done this, we wouldn’t know: A cross-linguistic analysis of competing strategies for expressing counterfactual conditionals
Reb NunezImperatives in Marinduque Tagalog: Evidence of Aspectual Inflection
Elizabeth ZeitounImpersonal pronouns in Formosan languages
Tom BossuytImproving the semantic map of additivity: Free-choice indefinite pronouns and universal concessive conditionals
Martina Giuliani Claudia CorbettaIn the "middle" of Late Latin and Old Italian: analyzing the middle continuum through verb valency patterns and alternations
Stacy Fang-ching TengInclusory pronominal constructions in Formosan languages
Cristian Ruben JuárezIntra-language family valency orientation and stability: A view from Guaycuruan languages
Luca Alfieri;
Daniela Baldassarre;
Diego Luinetti;
Leonardo Montesi;
Maria Simoniello
Levels of analysis, quality modifier encoding and adjectival typology
Nataliya LevkovychLoan conjunctions in the languages of the world
Jayden Macklin-Cordes;
Thomas Ennever;
Mitchell Browne;
Maria Copot
Locative functions beyond space and time: Pama-Nyungan case semantics reflect ahistorical processes
Na LiuMapping the causative continuum in Mandarin: An empirical approach
Diego AlvesMeasuring the effects of language contact using word-order entropy: The case of Nheengatu
Phillip G. RogersMissing the forest for the trees: The role of syntactic distributional information in the architecture of the lexicon
Jonathon Lum;
Eleanor Yacopetti;
Laurits Stapput Knudsen;
Tom Ennever
Monodirectionality and the intrinsic frame of reference
Siyu Tao;
Lucia Donatelli;
Michael Hahn
More frequent verbs are associated with more diverse valency frames: Efficient principles at the lexicon-grammar interface
Alexandre FrançoisMorphogenesis from generic nouns: Insights from Vanuatu
Daniel KraußeMoving into the periphery: Adpositional verbs in Melanesia
Yingqi Jing;
Robert Östling;
Joakim Nivre;
Michael Dunn
Multilevel phylogenetic inference of syntactic harmony
Cherry Chit-Yu LamNegative markers and the evolution of yes-no questions in Cantonese
Gertraud Fenk-OczlonNon-replicable significant negative correlations between phoneme inventory size and number of phonemes per word, and Menzerath’s law
So MiyagawaNoun Incorporation and Verbal Valency in Coptic from a Typological Perspective
Anastasia PanovaOn dedicatedness of phasal polarity expressions: evidence from Gawarbati (Indo-Aryan)
Maike VorholtOn Maltese prepositions in coordinating constructions
Anindita Sahoo;
Akshay R;
Foong Ha Yap
On the extended uses of copulas in Malayalam and other Dravidian languages: a typological perspective
Gunti Prem Sagar;
Foong Ha Yap;
Anindita Sahoo
On the intransitivizing uses of kon/kol in Dravidian languages
Julia NintemannOn the special status of toponyms and anthroponyms in spatial constructions
Bradley McDonnellOn valency alternations in a symmetrical voice system
Yasutomo Kuwana;
Hisao Tokizaki
Order of Noun and Adjective in Word Order Typology
Lidia Federica MazzitelliPassive constructions in Oceanic languages: typology and variation
Anna SjöbergPatterns of motivation in the cognition lexicon
David ErschlerPersonal Names and Marking Split with Secondary Cases in Upper Bal Svan
Ljuba Veselinova;
Tihomir Rangelov
Phasal polarity expressions: a cross-linguistic and intragenealogical study
Philipp TuchakPhasal polarity in an endangered idiom: the case of South Ludic
Jeanette SakelPhasal polarity in Mosetén
Irene GorbunovaPhasal Polarity in Telengut (Nothern Altai)
Nikolaus P. HimmelmannProsody in the study of word order: when is a language V-initial?
Adam James Ross Tallman;
Natalie Weber;
Hiroto Uchihara;
Sandra Auderset;
Eric W. Campbell;
Ambrocio Guttierrez Lorenzo;
Gladys Camacho Rios;
Christian Juarez;
Andres Pablo Salanova;
Patience Epps;
Anthony C. Woodbury;
Minella Duzerol;
Taylor Miller;
Magdalena Lemus;
Dennis Wylie;
Stephen Mann
Quantifying misalignments in morphosyntactic and phonological domains in cross-linguistic perspective: a case study of the Americas
Matthias UrbanRadical typology: root structure preferences and their conditioning factors across languages
Ezequiel Koile;
Damián Blasi, et al.
Recurring patterns in word borrowing across the world’s languages
Victor Bogren SvenssonReduction in the Austronesian Voice System in Takituduh Bunun
Frederic BlumReplicating sound symbolism: Overcoming bias and generalizability challenges in quantitative typology
Daniela CasartelliReported Speech Without Reporting Speech: A Typological Discussion
Megane LesuisseReproducibility & Diverging results for a typology of Motion events: Eight reasons why
Zhou YaoResearch on the Tibetan Ergative Case Construction
Tianhua LuoRethinking interrogative verbs: A typological rarum
Antoni Brosa-RodríguezRevisitation of Greenbergian Dominant Basic Word Order in Computational Quantitative Typology
Shuya Zhang;
Yunfan Lai
Revisiting recipient-beneficiary marking in Mainland Southeast Asian languages: the versatile lɔ⁵¹ in Jiamao (oral)
Martin HaspelmathRobust and transparent database publication in typology: Language parameters and construction parameters in the CrossGram data registry
Maria Pupynina;
Yukari Nagayama
Sex-specific forms of personal names in Chukchi and Alutor
Shihong ZhouSignaling Who Has the Rights to Know Better : Interpersonal Tag Constructions Marked by Particles Hao (嚎) and Ao(嗷) in Northeastern Mandarin Chinese
Maia Duguine; 
Aritz Irurtzun
Social and structural factors for the emergence of Bare Nouns in Basque, a language without bare nouns
Martin Haspelmath;
Shogo Mizuno
Some universals of comparative constructions: Revisiting Greenberg, Stassen and Heine
Philippe Antoine MartinezEngagement as part of the broader domain of knowledge management in Chhitkul-Rākchham (West-Himalayish): the postverbal clitic =niŋ
Jerzy GaszewskiSurlatives as valency markers: exploring a pattern in argument marking found in European languages
Na SongTemporary vs. Permanent existential in Baoding (Sinitic): A function-based extension
Ronald P. Schaefer;
Francis O. Egbokhare
Tense, Temporal Distance, and Tone: A Case Study from West Africa
Michael DunnThe Animacy Hierarchy derived from multilingual corpus data
Andrey DrinfeldThe case for a Trans-Asian linguistic area
Maria Bardají;
Elsie Marie T. Or;
Angelina Aquino;
Nikolaus P. Himmelmann
The challenges of symmetrical voice languages for Universal Dependencies
Petr Kocharov;
Lilit Kharatyan
The Classical Armenian Valency Lexicon
Yu LiThe definiteness marking on proper names in Zauzou, a Tibeto-Burman language in China
Neige RochantThe eccentricities of phasal polarity in Pukur (Atlantic)
Daniel RossThe effects of terminological variation for large-scale typology: A comparison of rigorous typological surveys to Grambank entries
Jesus OlguinThe interaction of irrealis markers in conditional constructions: A typological account
Wang Qi;
Anders Holmberg
The morphology of Chinese proper names
Sebastian Dom;
Leora Bar-el;
Ponsiano Kanijo;
Malin Petzell
The noncausal/causal alternation: Variation and diachrony in selected Bantu languages
Natalia LevshinaThe number of core arguments in corpora with Universal Dependencies: The role of communicative efficiency and culture
Xiyue HuangThe passive constructions in Cuntou Tuhua: An analysis based on Radical Construction Grammar
Yo Matsumoto;
Anna Bordilovskaya;
Kiyoko Eguchi;
Sakura Ishikawa;
Yuko Morokuma;
Yuko Yoshinari
The progressive and the attainment of a goal in motion-event descriptions: evidence from a crosslinguistic experimental study
Lingzi ZhuangTowards a parametrically-articulated typology of mirativity
Denys Teptiuk;
Tatiana Nikitina
Towards a typology of scope and position misalignment: The case of reported speech constructions
Daria BelovaTowards the semantic typology of permissive causatives
Sonia CristofaroTypological explanations in synchrony and diachrony: The emergence of accusative alignment in case marking cross-linguistically
Olga Krasnoukhova;
Shahar Shirtz;
Annemarie Verkerk
Typology and diachrony of negation across three predication domains: The case of Indo-European.
Michael Daniel;
Polina Nasledskova;
Anna Sorokina
Using dictionaries for morphosyntactic data mining: lability in the languages of Daghestan
Hedvig SkirgårdUsing UD to explore cross-linguistic structural complexity
Lilian GuerreroValency and body parts: alternative coding of dressing/undressing events
Shan Cong;
Brigitte Pakendorf;
Natalia Stoynova
Valency patterns across Northern Tungusic: internal vs. contact-induced changes as revealed through corpora
Giuseppina di BartoloVariation and change of valency patterns of Ancient Greek request verbs
Kevin BehrensVerbal agreement in European sign languages
Yang XiaoVerb-Marked Voice or Beyond? – Benefactives in Three Sinitic Languages
Maria BardajíVerum existentials in western Austronesian: a further case for the typology of existential constructions
Lukas DenkWhy Inverse Systems are Not Sensitive to Proper Names
Liwei Gong;
Satoshi Uehara;
Heiko Narrog
Word order variation split by predication types: subject-predicate word order in predicate-initial languages