Academic Guide

This page contains information about how to register for undergraduate courses. For information about programme curricula, refer to the curriculum pages for the respective divisions:

Mathematical Sciences | Physics and Applied Physics

Please refer to the Office of Academic Services webpage for NTU-wide course registration instructions, followed by the programme-specific instructions below:

For the registration schedule, course schedules, and other information, refer to the STARS system.

Notes for AY24 Sem 2 Course Registration

Year 1 (U24 Intake) - Students will be pre-registered for Core and ICC-core courses according to standard study plan. Timetable of pre-registered courses will be reflected via Degree Audit latest by Friday 6 December 2024. During personalized registration timeslot, students may use the opportunity to swap indexes subject to availability of vacancies; if required.

Year 2 (U23 Intake) - Students will have to complete registration of Core/ Major-PE/ Second-major courses during personalized course registration timeslot. BDE courses need to be placed on waitlist by 20 December, 10:00PM. ICC-core courses will be system-allocated after main registration and reflected in timetable by 3 January 2025.

MACS (Y2) - CS core courses will be pre-registered as per standard study plan subject to meeting pre-requisite requirements.

HW0218 - Offered to Year 3 & 4 students in PHY and PHMS programmes. This course has to be self-registered during personalized course registration.

All students - Final window period for adjustment of GERPE and UE/BDE choices on waitlist is Sat 4 Jan 2025 -Mon 6 Jan 2025 (10:30am to 10:00pm each day).

AY24 Sem 2 - Timetable Clash and Pre-requisite Waiver application (SPMS courses only)

  • Phase 1: 18 November 2024 to 01 December 2024 (2359)
  • Phase 2: 03 January 2025 to 19 January 2025 (2359)

Online Waiver Application System:

AY24 Sem 2 - Semester and UE/BDE overload application (SPMS students)

Opens from 09 December 2024 to 19 January 2025

Online Overload Application System:

  • Semester Overload - should only submit your overload application after you have registered your courses (before allocation of GER-PE/UE). Strong justification needs to be provided for semester overload requests. Please note that being on ABP track is not sufficient to request semester overload. Hence requests indicating ABP track as the sole reason will be rejected.
  • Courses under waitlist (i.e. GER-PE/UE/BDE) are not considered as successful registered courses.
  • You are not allowed to overload Major PE if your Major PE balance AU is 0.
  • You are not required to apply for BDE/UE overload as long as there are balance AUs left (i.e. UE balance left 2AU and wish to register a 4AU UE course)
  • There should be no changes made to your registered courses after the submission of your overload application to avoid application being rejected.

If you are accessing the waiver application or overload application system outside of NTU, you need to install NTU VPN first. Students from non-SPMS programmes who need to apply for timetable clash or pre-requisite waiver for SPMS courses may also apply through the link indicated above. For further enquiries, please email [email protected].


Click here for the NTU guide to course registration. For further enquiries about course registration, please contact SPMS Undergraduate Studies. For technical issues, such as problems logging in to Student Intranet or STARS, contact NTU's Service Desk.

Changes to Courses in AY24/25 Semester 2

The following course-planning maps are provided for students matriculating in AY2024/25. These maps serve as a guide and can be tailored to suit individual needs, such as incorporating overseas exchange or adjusting the semester for taking the Professional Attachment or Professional Internship.

For students matriculating in earlier academic years, please note that degree requirements may differ. You are encouraged to adjust your study plan accordingly. For the latest programme requirements, refer to the School's curriculum webpages.

Students Matriculating in Academic Year 2024/25

Mathematical Sciences:

Physics and Applied Physics:

For All Students

Any student with poor standing will be subjected to an academic performance review. This consists of:

  • An Academic Warning if the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) falls below 2.00 during a given semester;
  • Academic Probation if the CGPA falls below 2.00 the following semester; and
  • Academic Termination if the CGPA falls below 2.00 for the 3rd consecutive semester, or at the end of the final semester of study.

Any student having difficulty coping with the programme of study is strongly encouraged to contact the Student Welfare team for assistance and advice.

With effect from AY2024/25, the FGO supersedes the previous Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory (S/U) Option.

For students admitted before AY2024/25, all past S/U declarations will be carried forward and automatically converted to FGO grades.

There will be a one-time exercise after the AY2024/25 Semester 1 examination results are released, for students to review their past S/U-declared courses. Please check the respective Intranet page for details.


  1. FGO allows students to convert the grades of eligible courses to Pass or No Record grades, which are excluded from the calculation of cumulative GPA (CGPA).

  2. Students can declare the FGO on eligible courses taken in any semester during any declaration period before their graduation, subject to the quota of FGO Academic Units (AU) for their programme.

  3. After the FGO declaration, grades will be converted to Pass (P) or No Record (NR) grade. 'P' grade will be reflected in both internal and external documents. 'NR' grade will not appear in transcript or Record of Exam Results (RER) but will be reflected in internal document (i.e. Degree Audit).

  4. Following the declaration, students’ CGPA for the latest semester will be recomputed to reflect the FGO-declared courses. Students will only receive AU for FGO-declared courses with Pass grades.


  • All full-time undergraduate students admitted in Academic Year 2024/25 and existing full-time undergraduate students, who were admitted before AY2024/25 and will graduate from January 2025 onwards are eligible to exercise FGO.

  • Part-time students, LKCMedicine students, exchange and non-graduating students studying in NTU will not be able to exercise the FGO.

  • The FGO is only applicable to courses in the following course types including Pass/Fail courses:

Course Type

Students admitted in AY2020-2021 and earlier and

Students admitted directly to Year 2 in AY2021-2022

  • Prescribed Electives (GER-PE) / Unrestricted Electives (UE)
  • Major Prescribed Electives courses offered with an BDE option (MPE-BDE) - please see Note and Exceptions below*

Students admitted in AY2021-2022 and earlier and

All students admitted from AY2022-2023 and onwards

  • Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE)
  • Major Prescribed Electives courses offered with an BDE option (MPE-BDE) - please see Note and Exceptions below*


    • Note*: Please note that MPE-BDE courses that students have used the FGO on, will automatically be reclassified as BDEs and will not count towards fulfilling their MPE requirements. Students will have to take another MPE to fulfill the MPE AU requirements, in the event of a shortfall after the reclassification. Students may access the class schedule via this link to check the course types.

    • ExceptionsMinor in Finance -  FGO option is not applicable for BU5201 Business Finance. Students are required to register for BU5201 (Business Finance) and receive a minimum of B+ grade in order to proceed further in the minor programme. If FGO option is applied for BU5201, students will not be able to pursue Minor in Finance.

    • The FGO option may only be exercised for a maximum of 12 AU of coursework during the entire candidature.

    • FGO is not applicable to the Core courses (including ICC Core), courses counted toward award of specialization and programme(s) not on GPA system.

    • For students admitted in AY2020-2021 and earlier, and students admitted directly to Year 2 in AY2021-2022:
      FGO-declared courses cannot be counted towards the fulfilment of a second major programme or a minor programme.

    • For students admitted to Year 1 in AY2021-2022 and all students admitted from AY2022-2023 and onwards:
        a. Second Major: Up to 12 AU of courses can be non-letter graded, which can include courses declared for FGO.
      Minor: Up to 6 AU of courses can be non-letter graded, which can include courses declared for FGO.

    FGO Declaration

    • Students will have to submit their FGO declarations within the stipulated period after the release of course results. A University-wide email will be sent every semester, informing students of the exact declaration period. Students are reminded to check their emails regularly and submit their declarations within the stipulated window. No late FGO declarations shall be accepted.

    • Students are advised to check the confirmation email and the Course Registered section in Degree Audit after they have submitted their declaration each time, and raise any queries immediately.

    • FGO declarations are irrevocable once submitted. Students are strongly advised not to rush their FGO declarations and should carefully consider their upcoming academic plans and milestones before submitting their declaration. These include applications for exchange programmes, internships, or full-time job applications, and graduation honours classification, etc.

    • Students are also responsible for keeping track of their academic progress and ensuring that the graduation requirements, as stated in the Academic Handbook, are fulfilled on time.

    Please refer to the NTU Office of Academic Services webpage for more information about the FGO option, including the declaration period.  For queries, please contact SPMS Undergraduate Studies.

    Note that students who do not wish to exercise their FGO option are not required to declare their intention online.

    The use of calculators in examinations is limited to certain approved ​models, listed below:

    Only calculators that have been registered and sealed may be brought into the examination halls. Students must remove the cover of their calculators and place them on the floor next to their desk once they are seated at the examination venue. Calculators intended for use in an examination must be checked and sealed by the School. The School has arranged the following period for students to register​ new calculators or re-register old calculators with broken seals. Please follow the timeline closely and obtain the calculator seal well in advance before midterm and examination dates.

    DateAY2024/2025 Semester 2, 12-FEB-2025 to 17-APR-2025
    Time09.30 am – 12.30 pm and 14.00 pm – 17.00 pm (Monday - Friday; except Public Holidays)
    VenueSchool of Physical and Mathematical Sciences General Office (SPMS-04-01)

    Students who have registered previously need only register again if they have changed their calculators, or if the seal on a previously registered calculator is broken. Please note that for approved graphic calculators, students are responsible for clearing any information and/or programs stored in the calculator before the examination.

    If your calculator model is not included in the above list, please email SPMS Undergraduate Studies indicating your calculator model and include a picture or screenshot of your calculator (front display and keyboard). Please allow at least 1 week for the request to be assessed.

    Please refer to the Office of Academic Services webpage for NTU-wide short leave application guidelines. Students from SPMS programmes may submit their short leave application by completing the following steps:

    1. Download the Short Leave application form
    2. Fill up the application form
    3. Name the completed form in the following format: "Full Name_Matric_No_Start Date of short leave and save it as PDF.
    4. Access short leave application platform: SPMS short leave application
    5. Complete Steps 1-7 accordingly.
    6. Scan MC and/or supporting documents as a single PDF document and upload at Step 8.
    7. Upload completed short leave form at Step 9.

    Please note the following:

    • Hard copy applications will not be accepted.
    • Submission via email will not be accepted.
    • Applications without supporting document or short leave application form will be rejected.