AY2018-2019 and AY2019-2020

The BSocSci (Hons) in Sociology is designed as a four-year course. To graduate, students are required to complete 126 academic units (AUs) from the Sociology Major Requirements and General Education Requirements (GER). The distribution of the courses of study and the number of academic units are shown in the table below.

Course Table

Curriculum Structure
AY2018-2019 & AY2019-20 Intake

A. Major Requirements

B. General Education Requirement (GER)

Total (AUs)



GP or Two
level courses















Major Requirements (69 AUs)

The requirements for a Sociology major consist of 3 components:

1. Sociology Core Courses (19 AUs)
2. Sociology Prescribed Electives (42 AUs)
3. Graduation Project (GP) or 2 HS4000 level courses (8AUs)
   (The two HS4000 level courses are for those who are not eligible to do GP.)

The 6 compulsory core courses (19 AUs) are listed below.

  • HS1001 Person and Society
  • HS2001 Classical Social Theory
  • HS2002 Doing Social Research
  • HS3001 Contemporary Social Theory
  • HS3002 Understanding Social Statistics
  • Choose ONE from the following:
    HS4001 Research Practicum I : Qualitative Social Research
    HS4002 Research Practicum II : Quantitative Social Research

Students must complete 13 prescribed electives:
2 at HS1000 level
5 at HS2000 level
3 at HS3000 level
3 at HS4000 level

HS1002 Singapore Society in Transition*
HS1003 Singapore Problems in a Global Context*
HS2003 Economy And Society
HS2004 Culture, Self And Identity
HS2005 Organisations And Organisational Change 
HS2007 Understanding Globalization
HS2008 Social Class and Inequality 
HS2009 Sociology of the Life Course 
HS2011 Ethnicity and Ethnic Relations 
HS2013 Migration And Multiculturalism
HS2014 The Changing Family
HS2015 Education and Society 
HS2018 Media and Society 
HS2019 Science, Technology and Society 
HS2022 Population & Society 
HS2023 Environmental Sociology 
HS2026 Deviance and Society 
HS2028 Graying Society
HS2029 Social Policy and Social Change 
HS3004 Cities and Urban Life 
HS3007 Religion and Society 
HS3011 Power, Politics and the State 
HS3014 Health, Medicine and Society
HS3015 Development and Social Change 
HS3016 Societies in Comparative Perspective 
HS3017 Sociology of Tourism 
HS3018 Sociology of Gender
HS3054 Social Psychology
HS4011 The Self in Southeast Asia
HS4013 Youth cultures and subculture
HS4015 Sociology of Reproduction
HS4016 Social Movements
HS4022 Sociology of Islam in the Malay World
HS4023 Sociology of Risk and Crisis 
HS4026 Gods, Ghosts And Ancestors: Explorations In Chinese Religions
HS4027 Cultural Politics of Development and the Environment
HS4028 Migration and Development in a Globalizing World 
HS4030 Social Science Fiction
HS4031 Global Cities
HS4033 Urban Sojourns: The City As Laboratory
HS4034 Interrogating Innovation
HS4035 Sociology of Aging
HS4036 Who are we? Science and Identity in the 21" Century
HS4037 Terraformations: Technology, culture and nature in a globalizing world 
HS4038 Sociology of Mental Health
HS4091 Honours Seminar "Sociology of the Arts"
* Compulsory course

The two HS4000 level courses are for those who are not eligible to do GP.

General Education Requirement (57 AUs)

Course TypeAU​
GER-Core 14
GER-PEBusiness and Management (BM)3
 Liberal Arts (LA)​3
 GER-PE in Any Category (STS, BM or LA)3
 GER-PE in Any Category (STS, BM or LA)3
Total AU56


The General Education Requirements (GER) courses consists of 3 components

  1.  GER-Core (14 AUs)
    1. Communication Skills
    2. Digital Literacy courses     
    3.  Career-related module
    4. Other online courses
  2. GER-Prescribed Electives (12 AUs)
  3. GER-Unrestricted Electives (30 AUs) 

1a.  2 courses from GER-Core Communication Skills (2 AUs each): 

    1. HW0105 Academic Communication in the Arts, Humanities and Social. Sciences
    2. HW0208 Academic Communic​ation in the Social Sciences

    1b.  2 courses from GER-Core Digital Literacy courses (3 AUs each): 

    1. HD0101 Digital Society (to be read in year 2, semester 2)
    2. HD0102 Making Sense of Big Data (to be read in year 2, semester 1)


      1c.  1 course from GER-Core Career-related (1 AU): 

      1. ML0003 (online course) 

      1d. ​​Fulfil the following GER-Core Other online courses in sequence and in every semester 2 (1 AU each): 

      1. ​GC0001 Environmental Sustainability (to read in year 1, semester 2) 
      2. HY0001 Ethics & Moral Reasoning (to read in year 2, semester 2) 
      3. ET0001 Enterprise & Innovation (to read in year 3, semester 2)


      2.  4 courses from a list of GER–Prescribed Electives (PE) in the following categories with at least 1 course from each category (14 AUs total):

      • ​1 course from General Education in Liberal Arts (LA)
      • 1 course from General Education in Business and Management (BM)
      • Remaining 2 from any of the 3 categories of Liberal Arts (LA), Business and Management (BM) and Science, Technology and Society (STS)

      3.  Courses categorized under GER-Unrestricted Electives (UE) that are offered by any School (30 AUs total).
      For the recommended study guide, please  click here.