Welcome to the School of Social Sciences @ NTU

Welcome to the School of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University (SSS@NTU), a hub for research and education in the social sciences. We offer a comprehensive four-year Direct Honours programme in Economics, Psychology, Public Policy & Global Affairs, and Sociology. Students can further enrich their education with a range of second majors, double majors, minors, and even double degree options. With around 1,700 undergraduates and 400 graduate students, SSS@NTU provides a stimulating multidisciplinary education and research environment in the social sciences. Start your journey with us today.

Coming Up!

Our Research

In line with the strategic goals of NTU 2025, SSS@NTU has 4 interdisciplinary research clusters - Aging, Inclusion and Healthcare; Cognitive and Behavioural Science; Environment and Sustainability; and Policy and Society.  An Economic Growth Centre (EGC) by the Economics division is also available to support SSS@NTU research in the evolving concerns of human society.

Conferences, Seminars & Workshops