Economics Programme
Transforming 'Students of Economics' to 'Practising Economists'
Economics is a social science that deals with resource creation, distribution and consumption. Because it is about people and the real world, Economics enables students to learn about banking, finance, globalisation, and broader social issues such as poverty, education, health and the environment. It is a versatile discipline closely linked to politics, sociology, psychology, business and finance.
The appeal of Economics lies primarily in its application of theory and quantitative methods to contemporary economic problems. It helps students to think logically, rationally and rigorously. Graduates in Economics as such acquire problem-solving skills that prepare them for a wide range of careers both in the public and private sectors​.
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About Our Research
The Economics faculty members are actively involved in research in many fields of theoretical and applied economics. These include the Economies of China and East Asia; Singapore and ASEAN Economies; Financial Economics; Population; Labour Economics; Industrial Relations; Public Sector Economics; Health and the Ageing Population; Game Theory; Urban Economics; Environmental Economics; and many other areas of Economics.
View Our Seminars and EventsEconomic Growth Centre

About EGC
The Economic Growth Centre (EGC) was founded by Emeritus Professor of Economics Lim Chong Yah, set up by the Division of Economics, and launched in 2005 by NTU President Dr SU Guaning. Envisioning to advance research in applied economics and train the next generation of economic policy researchers who specialize in Singapore and [Asian Pacific] Economy as well as future Asia Pacific leaders, EGC has organized [386] seminars, offered a platform for academic exchange by hosting [30] scholars, and published [109] working papers over the past 12 years.
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