Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics and Data Science

| Curriculum

BSc (Hons) in Economics and Data Science

The newly launched Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics and Data Science programme combines expertise from 3 schools: School of Social Sciences (SSS), College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS), and School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS). 

This is a four-year degree programme in which undergraduate students will read 3 subject areas in Economics, Mathematics and Data Science. The programme provides its students with a strong foundation in Economics and subsequently prepares them not only to handle and deal with big data through Data Science but also develops their ability to make economic sense from their applications in modern large-scale data analysis. 

Upon graduation, students are expecting to work as data analysts, data scientists, economists and industry analysts who are skillful in analyzing big data.​

Curriculum (AY2021 and onwards)

ProgrammeMajor RequirementsInterdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC)Broadening ElectivesTotal
COREPrescribed ElectivesFinal Year ProjectCommon CoreFoundational Core
Economics (ECON)24 AUs15 AUs8 AUs17 AUs15 AUs6 AUs140 AUs
Data Science (DS)33 AUs22 AUs

1. Core Requirements (57 AUs)

Course TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAUTotal AU Load
Core (ECON)HE1001Microeconomics I324
HE1002Macroeconomics I3
HE2001Microeconomics II3
HE2002Macroeconomics II3
HE2003Econometrics I3
HE3001Microeconomics III3
HE3002Macroeconomics III3
HE3003Econometrics II3
Core (DS)MH1805Calculus433
SC1003Introduction to Computational Thinking & Programming3
MH2802Linear Algebra for Scientists3
MH1812Discrete Mathematics3
SC1007Data Structures and Algorithms3
MH2100Calculus III4
MH2500Probability and Introduction to Statistics4
SC2001Algorithm Design and Analysis3
SC2207Introduction to Databases3
SC3000Artificial Intelligence3


2. Major Prescribed Electives Requirements (37 AUs)

ECON - Students are to choose one (1) level 3000 course and three(3) level 4000 courses, of which one (1) must be from the HE4xxx list.(15 AU)
DS - Students are to choose 22 AUs from the list of Data Science prescribed electives.(22 AU)

(Please refer to the  course listings PDF document for the full list of Major PEs.)

3. Final Year Project Requirements (8 AUs)

Students with cGPA of 3.90 and above are required to do HE4099 Graduation Project (GP) to be eligible for Honours (Highest Distinction) and Honours (Distinction).  Refer to the Economics website for more information on GP.

*students that are not eligible to read HE4099 must read an additional TWO level-4000 modules to be counted towards the Major Prescribed Electives requirements.


4. ICC Common Cores (17 AUs)

CC0002 Navigating the Digital World2
CC0001 Inquiry and Communication in an Interdisciplinary World2
CC0007 Science & Technology for Humanity3
CC0006 Sustainability: Social, Economy & Environment3
CC0005 Healthy Living & Well-being3
ML0004 Career and Entrepreneurial Development for the Future World2
CC0003 Ethics & Civics in a Multi-Cultural World2


5. ICC Foundational Cores (15 AUs)

HW0218 Communication Across the Sciences2
SC1015 Introduction to Data Science and AI3
Professional Internship 1#5
Professional Internship 2#5

# Students are required to do two internships. One of them must be related to Economics and the other must be related to Data Science. Each internship will be 10 weeks long and worth 5 AUs.

Students must do each internship during the Special Terms in their second and third year of studies.

6. Broadening and Deepening Electives (6 AUs)

Students may fulfill the AUs from any school or through online courses like MOOCs.

ECDS courses offered for Semester 1, AY2024/2025

Course CodeCourse Name
HE1001Microeconomics I
HE1002Macroeconomics I
HE2003Econometrics I
HE3001Microeconomics III
HE3002Macroeconomics III
MH2100Calculus III
MH2500Probabiliity and Introduction to Statistics
MH2802Linear Algebra for Scientists
SC1003Introduction to Computational Thinking & Programming
SC1015Introduction to Data Science and AI
SC3000Artificial Intelligence


Graduation Project (GP) is a group work project worth 8AUs. Each group is to strictly have 3 members. It can be a group of 3 ECDS students, 2 ECDS students + 1 ECON/ECBU/ECPP/ECPS/ECMA students, subject to the supervisor’s approval.

GP is compulsory for students with cGPA of 3.90 and above to be eligible for Honours (Distinction) and Honours (Highest Distinction).

It must be a collaborative project that requires a main supervisor from ECON and co-supervisor from either CCDS/SPMS/Dr Hong Seok Young. Students are to source for their own supervisors and have a tentative GP topic that must be agreed upon amongst the supervisors and all group members. To find out the research interests of the faculty staff, you may click here.

Students are to read GP over 2 consecutive semesters. 
Successfully registered students for HE4099 are therefore not allowed to apply for semester leave or go on any exchange programme, while they are registered for HE4099. 


The aim of GP is to train students to carry out independent research in Economics & Data Science. The project can be theoretical or empirical in nature. Students will select a topic, and with the guidance of the supervisors, develop a proposal that is mutually agreed upon the supervisors and all group members.

The project proposal will serve as a blueprint for the group and helps to ensure that the proposed research topic is adequately defined and feasible. The proposal is a one-page write-up to include the following content:

(1) Title of the project,
(2) Main objective of the study or research,
(3) Methodology,
(4) Planned schedule for project completion.​

Students are to fulfill ALL requirements for GP.

-       Completed sufficient AUs to be classified as a Year 4 student (assuming you clear all registered courses by the end of the applying semester).

-       Completed all Core course.

-       Completed at least 5 Major Prescribed Electives (ECON/CS/SPMS).

-       CGPA must be 3.90 and above.


Students with cGPA within 3.75 to 3.89 will be allowed to opt-in to do GP at the discretion of the Programme. You may email your interest to ECDS Undergraduate Office at [email protected]

Students below the required cGPA of 3.75 will not be allowed to read GP but to fulfil the 8 AUs requirement with Major Prescribed Electives.

There are 2 windows of application: 

(1) *Early Registration - Duration of GP is from the start of Year 3 Semester 2 to the end of Year 4 Semester 1. 

(2) Normal Registration - Duration of GP is from the start of Year 4 Semester 1 to the end of Year 4 Semester 2.

*An early registration applies to students whom at the time of application are in Year 3 Semester 1. Students who satisfy GP requirements may seek permission to do an early registration. Students can opt to read HE4099 when their Year 3 Semester 2 commences, if they have met all eligibility requirements stated above and have made satisfactory arrangements in forming a project group and seeking appropriate supervision.

Application Procedure

Specific procedure and instructions for application will be relayed to students via email. When applying, students are to ensure the following: 

(1) Registration Form is filled completely and accurately

(2) Degree Audits of all 3 members are included

(3) Each group is to have strictly 3 members


​​Important Dates

1. The deadline for submission of e-copy of the Final Report and Executive Summary will be advised by the Economics & Data Science office upon official approval to read HE4099.

2. On Week 14 (one week after the final teaching week of the semester, before the exam period), only the Final Report needs to be uploaded to NTU Library.

Submit softcopies of the Main Report and the Executive Summary via NTULearn to the HE4099 course site. Details on the submission will be disclosed further via email.

i. Submission of e-copy to the Library

  • All materials uploaded to Library Digital Repository, DR-NTU, comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). Personal data such as NRIC, Address, Contact Numbers, etc. should be removed.
    • If there are confidentiality concerns, the students may ask for an exemption. They need to ask their GP supervisor to endorse their request and inform the Library. 
    • If the GP needs to be embargoed for a specific period, it is possible to set embargo dates in DR-NTU.

      If an embargo or exemption is needed, students need to follow these 5 simple steps:

      1. Fill in the request form.

      2. Get your supervisor to sign and endorse your request form.

      3. Email the completed request form to NTU Library at [email protected]​ and copy to your supervisor.

      4. The Library will revert within 3 working days.

      5. Once approved:

      - For Embargo: follow the Library’s instructions to submit and set embargo to your work in DR-NTU.

      - For Exemption: you are exempted and do not need to submit your work or the metadata record in DR-NTU.

       For more details on Embargo/Exemption for DR-NTU Submission, please click here.


    All calculators that are to be brought into the examination halls must be registered by the School.

    School of Social Sciences students are required to get their calculators registered at the SSS Undergraduate Office at any time during the following hours:

    Time : 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Mondays to Friday, excluding public holiday)

    Venue : SSS-01-02 (SSS Undergraduate Office counter)

    However, if you have already registered your calculator previously and the seal is not broken, you do not have to register it again.

    Re-registering of Calculator is required only if you are using a new calculator or the seal on your current calculator has broken.

    Please remember that all calculators that are brought into the exam halls are to have the School's seal on it.

    Please read carefully the Rules of Governing the Use of Calculators at Examinations.

    Graphic calculators are allowed for use in the new GCE 'A' Level Curriculum from 2006. For consistency, the University will allow the use of graphic calculators with effect from S1 AY 2006-07 examinations.

    Students are responsible for clearing any information and/or programs stored in the graphic calculators before the examination.