About BFA

About the BFA Programme
The offerings from the School of Art, Design and Media, allow each student more flexibility in choosing the subjects that suit their interests and objectives. They can choose from a broad range of courses within and outside their majors for a broad range of knowledge and expertise necessary in an increasingly competitive industry.
The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design Art combines three pathways in Interaction Design, Product Design and Visual Communication into an integrated programme in Design.
The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Media Art combines four pathways in Animation, Filmmaking, Game and Photography into an integrated programme in Media.
A compulsory 10-week internship stint will be introduced to augment the students’ training. They will have the opportunity to do their internship at top companies, studios and production houses.
There is an interdisciplinary seminar module which students must complete. It will involve invited practising artists and designers to give talks and share their knowledge, views and insights.
Greater programme flexibility
The revised curricula for the four-year programmes are inter-disciplinary in their approach, but also allow students the option of specialising in a particular pathway, such as in photography, product design or animation.
Freshmen can choose their Major at the end of the first semester, instead of at the start of Year Two.
Presently, students must complete all prescribed electives in their chosen Major. But students now have greater flexibility to choose up to two electives from other disciplines from the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, such as in Communication, Economics and Philosophy, to meet the requirement of their Major.
Those wishing to go beyond their core subject can also choose to have a Second Major, such as Art History which is unique to NTU, or from 20 Minors offered across the College, including Creative Writing, Film Studies and Urban & Environmental Studies.