Design Art
All modules are new or will be modified and updated for this revised curriculum. While a student wanting to pursue a particular pathway (Interaction Design or Product Design or Visual Communication) will be required to follow the core modules in the order outlined below, students pursuing a general BFA in Design Art could choose modules that suit them as long as they meet any pre-requisite requirements.
Year 2 – Semester 1
DM2008 Programming for Interaction (pdf)
DM2000 Interactive I (pdf)DownloadDM2000 Interactive I (515 KB)
DD3016 History of Design (pdf)DownloadDD3016 History of Design (146 KB)
Year 2 – Semester 2
DM2007 Interactive II (pdf)DownloadDM2007 Interactive II (515 KB)
DM2006 Narratives for Interaction (pdf)
Year 3 – Semester 1
DM3014 Interactive Devices (pdf)DownloadDM3014 Interactive Devices (127 KB)
DM3013 Interactive Spaces (pdf)DownloadDM3013 Interactive Spaces (126 KB)
Year 3 – Semester 2
DM3010 Project Development and Planning (pdf)
DM3015 Interactive Environments (pdf)
Year 3 – Special Term
DD3021 Professional Attachment (pdf)
Year 4 – Semester 1
DD4006 Interdisciplinary Seminar (Design Art) (pdf)
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
Year 4 – Semester 2
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
Year 2 – Semester 1
DR2005 Computer Aided Design I (pdf)
DR2001 Product Design I (pdf)DownloadDR2001 Product Design I (410 KB)
DD3016 History of Design (pdf)DownloadDD3016 History of Design (146 KB)
Year 2 – Semester 2
DR2004 Product Design II (pdf)DownloadDR2004 Product Design II (414 KB)
DR2008 Design Futures and Experiences (pdf)
Year 3 – Semester 1
DR3006 Product Design III (pdf)DownloadDR3006 Product Design III (515 KB)
DR3007 Studies In Form (pdf)DownloadDR3007 Studies In Form (508 KB)
Year 3 – Semester 2
DR3005 Product Design IV (pdf)DownloadDR3005 Product Design IV (515 KB)
DR3008 Advanced Development & Prototyping (pdf)
Year 3 – Special Term
DD3021 Professional Attachment (pdf)
Year 4 – Semester 1
DD4006 Interdisciplinary Seminar (Design Art) (pdf)
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
Year 4 – Semester 2
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
Year 2 – Semester 1
DV2001 Visual Communication I (pdf)
DV2000 Typography I (pdf)DownloadDV2000 Typography I (510 KB)
DD3016 History of Design (pdf)DownloadDD3016 History of Design (146 KB)
Year 2 – Semester 2
DV2005 Visual Communication II (pdf)
DV2004 Typography II (pdf)DownloadDV2004 Typography II (506 KB)
Year 3 – Semester 1
DV3010 Visual Communication III (pdf)
DV3011 Typography III (pdf)DownloadDV3011 Typography III (513 KB)
Year 3 – Semester 2
DV3012 Production for Graphic Designers (pdf)
DV3008 Visual Communication IV (pdf)
Year 3 – Special Term
DD3021 Professional Attachment (pdf)
Year 4 – Semester 1
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
DD4006 Interdisciplinary Seminar (Design Art) (pdf)
Year 4 – Semester 2
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)