Design Art
All modules are new or will be modified and updated for this revised curriculum. While a student wanting to pursue a particular pathway (Interaction Design or Product Design or Visual Communication) will be required to follow the core modules in the order outlined below, students pursuing a general BFA in Design Art could choose modules that suit them as long as they meet any pre-requisite requirements.
DM2008 Programming for Interaction (pdf)
DM2000 Interactive I (pdf)DownloadDM2000 Interactive I (515 KB)
DD3016 History of Design (pdf)DownloadDD3016 History of Design (146 KB)
DM2007 Interactive II (pdf)DownloadDM2007 Interactive II (515 KB)
DM2006 Narratives for Interaction (pdf)
DM3014 Interactive Devices (pdf)DownloadDM3014 Interactive Devices (127 KB)
DM3013 Interactive Spaces (pdf)DownloadDM3013 Interactive Spaces (126 KB)
DM3010 Project Development and Planning (pdf)
DM3015 Interactive Environments (pdf)
DD3021 Professional Attachment (pdf)
DD4006 Interdisciplinary Seminar (Design Art) (pdf)
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
DR2001 Product Design I (pdf)DownloadDR2001 Product Design I (410 KB)
DR2005 Computer Aided Design I (pdf)
DD3016 History of Design (pdf)DownloadDD3016 History of Design (146 KB)
DR2004 Product Design II (pdf)DownloadDR2004 Product Design II (414 KB)
DR2008 Design Futures and Experiences (pdf)
DR3006 Product Design III (pdf)DownloadDR3006 Product Design III (515 KB)
DR3007 Studies In Form (pdf)DownloadDR3007 Studies In Form (508 KB)
DR3005 Product Design IV (pdf)DownloadDR3005 Product Design IV (515 KB)
DR3008 Advanced Development & Prototyping (pdf)
DD3021 Professional Attachment (pdf)
DD4006 Interdisciplinary Seminar (Design Art) (pdf)
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
DV2001 Visual Communication I (pdf)
DV2000 Typography I (pdf)DownloadDV2000 Typography I (510 KB)
DD3016 History of Design (pdf)DownloadDD3016 History of Design (146 KB)
DV2005 Visual Communication II (pdf)
DV2004 Typography II (pdf)DownloadDV2004 Typography II (506 KB)
DV3010 Visual Communication III (pdf)
DV3011 Typography III (pdf)DownloadDV3011 Typography III (513 KB)
DV3012 Production for Graphic Designers (pdf)
DV3008 Visual Communication IV (pdf)
DD3021 Professional Attachment (pdf)
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)
DD4006 Interdisciplinary Seminar (Design Art) (pdf)
DD4004 Final Year Project - Design Art (pdf)