Our Programmes

At the Leadership, Management, and Organization Division, we offer the world’s first undergraduate business programme in human resource consulting (HRC). Our students develop HRC competencies in areas such as evidence-based consulting; talent selection and assessment; design of rewards and incentives; performance management; people analytics; design of mobile- and e-learning training modules; and cultural intelligence.  

Our state-of-the-art communication management course adopts a comprehensive multi-media approach to developing much sought-after communication skills needed in the global workplace. This multi-media approach incorporates online sharing and online presentations; extensive peer- and instructor reviews; confidence-building through social media and case studies to inculcate agile and versatile communication skills. 

At the graduate level, we offer courses that emphasise the development of global leadership capabilities with courses such as talent management; executive coaching; communication management; and cultural intelligence.

We ensure the design of our curriculum is kept up-to-date vis-à-vis the changing needs of employers and future workplaces. We seek to revise our course content to incorporate contemporary developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics, agile management, new media communication, and brain-based leadership, etc.