Food Science & Technology

Food security is one of the key concerns locally and globally due to the convergence of factors. Singapore has since repositioned to play a strategic role in to ensure the food security through research and development in urban agribusiness. It covers diverse aspects relating to modern farming practices, to reduction of food wastage through better processing technologies, to appropriate nutrition needs for the ageing population.
The Food Science and Technology Programme at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a collaborative effort with the world renowned Wageningen University and Research (WUR) from The Netherlands. It is an inter-school and interdisciplinary strategic initiative at NTU, and trains students with adequate skills needed for the demands of national food security and associated new food industry.
Why Food Science and Technology?
Feed your passion for food, while contributing to the greater community!
- Develop modern technology for urban farming (agriculture and aquaculture)
- Make food longer lasting and ensure that it is safe for consumption
- Convert food waste into high value food ingredients
- Increase environmental sustainability
Food Facts
- Some ways FST has benefited the world…
- Combat malnutrition: Wageningen University partners Food Connect in formulating tasty protein-enriched meals to combat malnutrition.
- Reduce food waste: Wageningen University heads FUSIONS (Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising waste prevention Strategies), a European collaboration involving universities, consumer organisations and businesses, while NTU’s CCEB is working on converting waste oil to food supplements through microbial engineering.
- Get more out of food: NTU aims to extract high value food ingredients from raw materials, and improve understanding of how food products and ingredients affect health.
- Improve sustainability: NTU is looking into using nanotechnology for eco-friendly food packaging.