Yang Ziyi

One thing that Ziyi, a 2022 graduate with a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), appreciates the most about NTU EEE is the plethora of opportunities that the school has provided for its students. With six student bodies, four corporate labs, and various internship and research connections, the school offers students
numerous professional and personal development opportunities. One can always try different things when they first join EEE while gradually discovering their directions in life.
Many of the professors that Ziyi met were approachable while the friends she made were supportive. In NTU EEE, through participating and organising various school events, she had the privilege to know a group of
passionate individuals who later become her friends - friends she said who dared to dream big and worked hard to make their dreams a reality.
One a personal note, Ziyi thoroughly enjoyed the outreach events in NTU EEE. Some of these include the NTU Open House and the school tours where students got to interact with prospects and the EEE Induction Fiesta where seniors meet and became mentors to incoming freshmen. “I think still today many people still have misconceptions about EEE as a course (and the stereotype of girls being unsuitable for engineering). Through the interaction with these potential students, it offered me opportunities to genuinely
share my experience in NTU EEE with them and this hopefully would help them to clear some doubts and make an informed decision”, she said.
As the former chairperson for EEE Egnite, the student club that organises local community involvement project, Ziyi was actively involved in volunteering and promoting volunteering culture in the faculty. Over the years, the club has
formed various partnerships with external charity organisations such as Glyph Asia and Habitat for Humanity. The students aimed to use what they learned in school to give back to society. Some projects they organised were house cleaning/light repairing
for the live-alone elderly and Christmas light workshop for children from less privileged backgrounds.
Ziyi’s favourite professor in EEE is Prof Gooi Hoay Beng. She first met him in Year 1 to discuss one of her undergraduate research projects and she found him approachable and helpful. He then encouraged her to discover a few research areas in his lab before
Ziyi decided to choose her specialisation. Prof Gooi also helped to guide both Ziyi’s undergraduate research as well as her final year projects. From the regular meet-up
to discuss the progress to the help with editing her reports, Prof Gooi was the professor who paid attention to the details of her projects and helped her to improve along the way. He often offered insights about the working
world that helped her to be mentally prepared and to explore different possible career options rather than just focus on the immediate job. Ziyi is indeed grateful to have the support from Prof Gooi throughout her major projects in her uni life.