Endowed Professorship
As NTU matures into a reputable university, the role of visiting academics and scientists has changed from that of networking to one that aims for committed partnership in research and educational programs. The University recognises that the endowed professorship scheme is one avenue that could be exploited to achieve this endeavour.
As far as NTU College of Engineering (CoE) is concerned, there are 3 categories of Endowed Professorship:
Administered under NTU
Administered under CoE
- Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professorship in Engineering
- Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professorship in Energy
- Michael Fam Chair Professorship in Food Science and Technology
- Cham Tao Soon Career Development Professorship in Engineering
Administered under School
- The SMRT Engineering Excellence Endowment (CEE)
- MPA Professorship (CEE)
- Tan Swan Beng Professorship in Construction Industry (CEE)
- Mediatek Professorship in Integrated Circuit Design (EEE)
- SP Group Professorship (EEE)