Dyson-NTU Innovation Challenge: Phase 2

A competition organised jointly by MAE, Dyson and NTUitive, open to all NTU students. The teams had eight weeks for ideation, followed by three months for building prototypes by the teams with the winning designs.

The problem Dyson raised was to increase warehouse storage capacity in existing spaces, with intelligent seek and retrieval and be a fitting addition to Industry 4.0.

From an initial entry of eleven, two teams, Quantum and JLTH, were selected to build their prototypes. They impressed with their DIY skills in constructing software, electronics and mechanical systems, and created well-built prototypes that demonstrated clearly the workings of their systems.

Their objectives are:


1. Building a smart storage system that is robust and stable while, leveraging on dead space traditionally used for walkways in  conventional racking systems.
2. Understanding the supply chain industry as a whole to determine pain points experienced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and formulate a feasible solution.





Team Quantum

1. Understand how data are used in the current logistics set up.
2. Possibility to collect some kind of data to train a suitable algorithm to build Quantum shelves for greater storage efficiency.