Editor's Cover: Focusing on what is core

By: Nicole Lim, Editor, The LKCMedicine

As the current disease outbreak continues to impact individuals, families, communities and countries, we are forced to make many changes to our daily routines to help protect our community and ourselves from the virus. This is also why our April issue – which is usually handed out to prospective students and their parents during Multiple Mini Interviews – remains an online-only edition that everyone can enjoy from the comfort of their own home.

In this issue, we focus on the efforts of LKCMedicine faculty, staff and students who are working tirelessly to ensure that lessons – although modified in format – continue seamlessly for medical students. Switching to remote digital learning was comparatively straightforward at LKCMedicine because e-learning underpins the School’s flexible curriculum and all the learning resources were already available to students anytime, anywhere. With its state-of-the-art simulation facilities, LKCMedicine was also able to recreate clinical scenarios on campus for those students whose clinical placements were suspended. 

What made the experience smoother still was the regular involvement of students. We hear from LKCMedicine’s Medical Society President and Year Reps about how they are representing students’ concerns and needs even during crises.

We also have some cheerier news in this issue as we see our first PhD by Research student graduate and celebrate kindness in leadership as exemplified by our Assistant Dean for Year 5 Associate Professor Tham Kum Ying. This and more in the April issue of The LKCMedicine.

Happy reading!


Professor James Best, Dean

Siti Rohanah Koid

Nicole Lim

Contributors & writers
Emmanuel Tan 
Amanda Lee
Anne Loh
Samantha Gallivan

Editorial Board
Professor Michael Ferenczi
Dr Vivien Chiong
Professor Philip Ingham
Mr Andrew Scheuber
Ms Suzanne Lim
A/Prof Tham Kum Ying