Teaching Controversial Issues in Geography: Climate Change Education in Singapore Schools

Team Members

Dr Tricia Seow, NIE

Prof Ho Li-Ching, Formerly from NIE



Funding Agency

Office of Education Research Start Up Grant

Project Description

This research focused on teachers’ conceptions and classroom practice around climate change education. It highlighted the importance of teachers’ knowledge and well as the role of teacher identities in the decisions made around how to teach about climate change.

Related Publications

Seow, T. & Ho, L. C. (2016). Singapore teachers’ beliefs about the purpose of climate change education and student readiness to handle controversy. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 25(4), 358-371.

Ho, L. C. & Seow, T. (2015). Teaching Controversial Issues in Geography: Climate Change Education in Singapore Schools. Theory and Research in Social Education, 43(3), 313-344.

Seow, T. & Ho, L. C. (2014). “There is no easy solution”: Singapore Teachers’ Perspectives and Practice of Climate Change Education. Research in Geographic Education, 16(2), 26-45.