The use of Augmented Reality (AR) in Assessment for Learning about Climate Change

Team Members
Prof Chang Chew Hung (PI)
Funding Agency
Project Description
Currently, the instruments and items used to measure students’ understanding of climate change is very summative in nature. There is nothing useful in the classroom for the teacher to diagnose learning and misconceptions. Assessment for learning is to help teachers and students monitor their progress and to identify the areas for improvement. It provides feedback to teachers and their students to make necessary changes in their learning activities to promote improvement and making learning more effective. While the climate change diagnostic test (CCDT) has been successful in correcting the students’ misconceptions, it is summative in nature and relies on how the teacher delivers his/her lessons. The challenge that most teachers face in a traditional classroom is the ability to provide feedback to all the students in class.
This study proposes that the use of augmented reality (AR) can adapt the CCDT for assessment for learning of CCE. The key feature about AR is its affordance in providing rapid information based on visual ques by overlaying of information onto the current view. This enables the users to see both the real world information and the augmented information on the same platform. Since all information is layered onto their worksheets, students have opportunities to reflect individually or in pairs on the instructions given to identify and correct misconceptions. The authors posit that the use of AR technology will help students correct their climate change misconceptions better.
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Chang, C. H. (2020). Teaching and learning geography with mobile technologies and fieldwork. In N. Walshe and G. Healy (eds.) Geography Education in the Digital World (pp. 142-154). Routledge: London
Chang, C. H. (2020). Using Augmented Reality (AR) to help students learn about climate change. Learning@ NIE