Early career research


Attracting global research talent including postdoctoral research fellows, early-career faculty members and established scientists​​

About Fellowships and Awards

Fellowships and Awards (F&A) are the university’s new initiatives to facilitate the attraction of talents such as postdocs, early-career faculty members and established scientists. F&A will coordinate the management, placement, mobility, performance management and other related aspects of early career faculty and research staff recruited under talent attraction programmes such as the National Research Foundation (NRF) Fellowship; Nanyang Assistant Professorship (NAP); Presidential Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PPF); and the endowed PPF schemes (including the Gopalakrishnan-NTU PPF and the Wallenberg-NTU PPF).

F&A will also administer the recently announced Accelerating Creativity and Excellence (ACE) Programme, a funding scheme to help faculty members catalyse bold and unconventional cross-disciplinary research across colleges, so that as a University we continue to produce compelling, relevant knowledge that can respond to and even drive new global trends.

Fellowships & Awards (Research Support Office)

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