Accelerating Creativity and Excellence (ACE)
ACE (Accelerating Creativity and Excellence) aims to spark bold, creative and unconventional ideas at the intersections of research disciplines.
ACE wants to provide unfettered support for outstanding research projects whose results constitute an original contribution to a field of expertise, a new methodological approach or a solution to solving a challenge and problem.
We invite researchers across NTU to submit their proposals for consideration and successful applicants will be given the freedom and necessary support to conduct their independent research.
How to Apply?
Open to all faculty at NTU, invitation to apply for ACE funding will be launched twice yearly in October and April.
Interested applicants shall be asked to complete an application form outlining their research project of interest and submit the completed proposals to
In evaluating the proposals, the Selection Committee will consider the project's originality, importance and relevance to their respective fields of disciplines. The project must include participating faculty from at least two different Colleges and/or research institutes to be eligible for consideration.Value and Duration
1st Call Awards
Toward better future: Merging the lines between Fashion, Materials Science, Computer Science and Engineering
PI: Galina Mihaleva (ADM)
Co-PI: Ong Yew Soon (SCSE); Chen Xiaodong (MSE)Design and development of digital coaching environment for Deeper Experiential Engagement Projects: co-evolution of education with Artificial Intelligence
PI: Sze Chun Chau (SBS)
Co-PI: Wilson Goh Wen Bin (SBS); Tan Ooi Kiang (EEE); Christopher John Hill (SOH); Chua Bee Leng (NIE); Stefanie Chye Yen Leng (NIE)Tracking seeds and their animal dispersers in tropical forests: using engineering advances to address long-standing challenges in biodiversity conservation
PI: Norman Lim T-Lon (NIE)
Co-PI: Lee Yee Hui (EEE);Shawn Lum Kaihekulani Yamauchi (ASE)Detecting and Tracking Volcanic Ash Using Social Media Data
PI: Cong Gao (SCSE)
Co-PI: Benoit Taisne (ASE)A Tale of Two Deficits: Causality & Care in Medical AI
PI: Melvin Chen (SOH)
Co-PI: Chew Lock Yue (SPMS)
2nd Call Awards
Tracing Early Trading in Singapore Using Geochemical Fingerprints and Artificial Intelligence on Archaeological Artefacts
PI: Ivy Yeh Hui-Yuan (SOH)
Co-PI: Wang Xianfeng (ASE) ,Wen Yonggang (SCSE)Geography of Fake News: Misinformation Spreading and Implication for Capital Markets
PI: Alper Darendeli (NBS)
Co-PI: Tay Wee Peng (EEE), Sun Aixin (SCSE)Artificial Intelligence for the Prediction of Alternative Splicing from Epigenomics and Transcriptomics Data in Cancer
PI: Melissa Fullwood (SBS)
Co-PI: Kwoh Chee Keong (SCSE), Francesc Xavier Roca Castella (SBS)
Collaborator: Kelin Xia (SPMS)
3rd Call Awards
Towards a Data-Driven, Explainable Framework for AI Start-ups’ Due Diligence
PI: Wen Yonggang (SCSE)
Co-PI: Boh Wai Fong (NBS); S. Viswanathan (NBS); Kwan Min Lee (WKWSCI)From https to httpQ: envisioning ethics, security and trust in a world with quantum computers. (Q is for quantum)
PI: Koh Teck Seng (SPMS)
Co-PI: Christina Chuang (SOH)
Collaborator: Chew Lock Yue (SPMS)A Study of Adversarial Examples for Proactively Protecting Images against DeepFake and DeepNude
PI: Adams Kong Wai-Kin (SCSE)
Co-PI: Guo Jian (SPMS); Xu Hong (SSS)
4th Call Awards
A portable scent screening system for food freshness monitoring
PI: Chen Xiaodong (MSE)
Co-PI: Ling Xing Yi (SPMS); Zheng Yuanjin (EEE); Balázs Zoltán Gulyás (LKCM)Towards a green future: improving urban farming under tropical weather conditions, for locally-grown vegetables of high quality
PI: Ma Wei (SBS)
Co-PI: Huang Chang Jin(MAE); Hsia Jimmy K (MAE); Chen Wei Ning William (SCBE); Shirley S. Ho (WKWSCI)Unlocking human superpowers through AI-aided health and wellness model to enhance sleep quality
PI: Josip Car (LKCM)
Co-PI: May O. Lwin (WKWSCI); Theng Yin Leng (WKWSCI/ARISE); Chia Yong Hwa Michael (NIE); Vivien Huan (NIE); Ho Moon-Ho Ringo (SSS/ARISE); Joty Shafiq Rayhan (SCSE)Robots as Medical Professionals: Unpacking and Mitigating Public’s Resistance towards Rehabilitation Robots
PI: Sharon Ng;
Co-PI: Domenico Campolo (MAE);
Collaborator: Gabriel Aguirre Ollinger (ARTICARES Pte Ltd) ; Wee Seng Kwee (Tan Tock Seng Hospital)
5th Call Awards
Engineering Solutions Inspired by Plastics-eating Worms to End Plastic Waste
PI: Cao Bin (CEE)
Co-PI: Liang Zhao Xun (SBS & SCELSE); Chen Ming-Hsu (SCBE); She Qianhong (CEE & NEWRI)From Unsorted Plastic Waste to Value-Added Products
PI: Li Hong (MAE)
Co-PI: Zhou Yan (NEWRI); Yulan Wang (LKCM)
Collaborator: Ding Ovi Lian (ERIAN)Developing a Public-Private Partnership by Crowdfunding to Create Sustainable Plastics Upcycling Technologies
PI: Soo Han Sen (SPMS)
Co-PI: Chang Xin (NBS); Md Saidul Islam (SSS);
Collaborator: Quah Teong Ewe, Euston (SSS)Deep sea degradation of polymer-packaging litter – a new way to assess new materials
PI: Janelle Thompson (ASE)
Co-PI: Fei Xunchang (CEE)
Collaborator: Jamie Hinks (SCELSE)Facing Plastic Waste Through Virtual Reality (VR): Using Narratives to Promote Plastic Recycling Behaviours among Youths
PI: Shirley S. Ho (WKWSCI)
Co-PI: Benjamin Li Junting (WKWSCI); Grzegroz Lisak (CEE & NEWRI); Shanti Divaharan (NIE)
6th Call Awards
Accelerating traditional workflows in animation and gaming through creative AI solutions
PI: Hans-Martin Rall (ADM)
Co-PI: Seah Hock Soon (SCSE) , Ong Yew Soon (SCSE), Davide Benvenuti (ADM), Ng Woon Lam (ADM)
Collaborator: Sascha Robitzky (AI-X, NTU IGP), Santiago Montesdeoca (Artineering OÜ)Untangling cancer re-wiring: Pan-Cancer mapping of transcription factor driven dysregulatory hotspots using AlphaFold2 and integrative machine learning
PI: Li Yinghui (SBS)
Co-PI: Kwoh Chee Keong (SCSE),Mu Yuguang (SBS)
Collaborator: Chew Lock Yue (SPMS)Study of Foxing on Watercolor Paper and its Prevention
PI: Ng Woon Lam (ADM)
Co-PI: Liu Xuewei (SPMS),Gao Yonggui (SBS)