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Published on 05 Mar 2019

NTU Singapore and Volvo unveil world’s first full size, autonomous electric bus

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Volvo Buses have launched the world’s first full size, autonomous electric bus. The bus is 12 metres long and has a full capacity close to 80 passengers.

The Volvo 7900 Electric bus is equipped with numerous sensors and navigation controls managed by a comprehensive artificial intelligence (AI) system. Ensuring maximum safety and reliability, the AI system is also protected with industry-leading cybersecurity measures to prevent unwanted cyber intrusions.

NTU President Professor Subra Suresh, said, “This fully autonomous electric bus will play a role in shaping the future of public transportation that is safe, efficient, reliable and comfortable for all commuters. It will soon be tested on the NTU Smart Campus, which has been home to a number of innovations as a living testbed for technologies that impact the human condition and the quality of life.

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