ERIC and Safety Courses
Epigeum Research Integrity Course (ERIC)
ERI701 is a research integrity course with 0 AUs applicable to new Ph.D. and M.Sc. (Research) students who join NTU from AY2018/19. Existing graduate research students will continue to complete ERIC prior to QE following current schools’ processes.
- A student’s training requirement is met if he/she completes at least one track. If a student is required by the School to take multiple tracks, School administrators can check on track completion status. Transcripts will not reflect individual tracks selected.
- If a student is required to take additional tracks after achieving a Pass grade for the course at the end of their first semester, the student can still register for other tracks on NTU Learn though course grade will not be reflected on exam transcript.
- If there are individual queries, student can raise it to RIEO, who will then consult the Schools concerned.
- All the online safety training courses are available on NTULearn (Hyperlink to )
- There is a quiz at the end of each course and you are deemed to have successfully completed the quiz by scoring at least 8 correct answers out of 10 questions. The quiz allows multiple attempts.
(A) Safety Induction
- NTU Safety Induction for Laboratory Users (OHS2SIL01)
- SBS Safety Induction for Lab Users (SBS2SIL01)
(B) Safety Trainings
Compulsory courses for all SBS lab users (both dry and wet lab users)
- Fire Safety in NTU
- Electrical Safety
- Slip, Trip & Fall
- Work station/ Office Ergonomics
- Manual Lifting
- Use of Fire Extinguisher
- Understanding Signage from SS508
- SGSECURE Prepared Citizen Training
Compulsory courses for SBS wet lab users
- Basic Biosafety Training: Module 1
- Basic Biosafety Training: Module 2
- Fume Cupboard
- Basic Guide for handling Chemicals
- Understanding GHS
- Understanding SDS
- Safe Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinders
- Risk Management: Introduction
- Risk Management: Legal Requirements
- Risk Management: Doing Risk Assessment
- Risk Management: Risk Control Measures
After completion, please forward a copy of your training result to your lab safety representative.
(Note: To retrieve your training results, proceed to ‘Menu’ in ServiceNow@NTU. Select ‘Campus Services’ followed by ‘Safety Training Management System’.
- Non-ionising Radiation: Introduction to NIR and Local Regulations
- Non-ionising Radiation: Ultrasound Safety Training
- Non-ionising Radiation: Introduction to NIR and Local Regulations
- Non-ionising Radiation: Laser Safety Training
- Ionising Radiation: Introduction to IR and Local Regulations
- Ionising Radiation: Hazards and Monitoring
- Ionising Radiation: Protection and Spill Response
- Safe Use of Hydrofluoric Acid