Whistle Blower Protection Policy


The University is committed to the highest standards of good governance, integrity, honesty, transparency, accountability, ethical and legal conduct.


Provides confidential channels of communication for any employee, student or external party to report, without fear of retaliation or victimisation, legitimate concerns or incidents, whether actual or suspected, on any of the matters described below:

  • Breach or failure to comply with applicable rules, regulations or laws
  • Breach or failure to comply with the University’s statutes, policies, rules, regulations or codes of conduct
  • Conflict of interest
  • Harassment, including bullying, stalking and sexual harassment
  • Illegal, unethical or improper financial-related activities or practices such as:
  1. Corruption or bribery ;
  2. Fraud, theft, misappropriation or misuse of the University’s properties, assets or resources ; or
  3. Falsification of documents
  • Professional misconduct or malpractice
  • Unauthorised access or disclosure of the University’s or third party’s confidential information
  • Any other matters which may cause financial loss to the University or damage its reputation

This Policy does not cover reports or complaints relating exclusively to job performance, employment terms and conditions, disputes or grievances of a personal nature, and feedback about the academic and teaching quality, facilities and services. 



The following should be raised through the University’s usual reporting channels as provided below.

Subject Matter
Response Channel 
Campus Health & Safety
Office of Health and Safety (OHS)
Email: ohse@ntu.edu.sg
Campus Security

Campus Security Division (CSD)
Tel: 6790 5200 (24-hours hotline)
Email: csdgo@ntu.edu.sg

Fault Reporting
Office of Development & Facilities Management (ODFM)
Tel: 6790 4777 (24-hours hotline)
Individual Performance or Employment Related Issues or Feedback
Office of Human Resources (OHR)
Respective HR Business Partner
Research Misconduct & Improprieties

Research Integrity and Ethics Office (RIEO)
Email: nturio@ntu.edu.sg

Ministry of Education (MOE)
Email: MOE_ARD@moe.gov.sg 
*for grants administered by MOE Academic Research Division and Research and Management Information Division's Corporate Research Office

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
Email: Research_Office@ssg.gov.sg 
*for grants administered by SSG

Campus Shuttle Services
Office of Commercial & Auxiliary Services (OCAS)
Tel: 6703 6835
Student Housing

Office of Campus Housing (OCH)
Email: och-housing@ntu.edu.sg 
Faculty Housing
Office of Campus Housing (OCH)
Email: fh@ntu.edu.sg  
Sports & Recreational Facilities
​Sports & Recreation Centre (SRC)
Office of Campus Housing (OCH)
Email: srcgo@ntu.edu.sg  

Student Misconduct

·     Email: bodsecretariat@ntu.edu.sg
·     The Head of any Academic Entity or Department or his / her delegate (e.g. Associate Deans / School Chair / Associate Chairs / Programme Directors, Heads of Departments)
·     A Senior Faculty-in-Residence or any Faculty-in-Residence
Mental Health & Wellbeing
University Wellbeing Office (UWO)
Email: NTUwellbeing@ntu.edu.sg  
Finance Matters
·     Accounts Payable
·     Account Receivable
·     Assets
NTU Shared Services (NSS) Finance
·     Email: nssfap@ntu.edu.sg
·     Email: nssfar@ntu.edu.sg
·     Email: nssffam@ntu.edu.sg 
Tuition / Hostel Fee Matters
·     Undergraduate
·     Postgraduate
·     Hostel
NTU Shared Services (NSS) Finance
·    Email: ubs@ntu.edu.sg  
·    Email: pbs@ntu.edu.sg
·    Email: hostelbilling@ntu.edu.sg 
Procurement Enquiries
NTU Shared Services (NSS) Procurement
Email: P2P@ntu.edu.sg  
Vendor Enquiries
NTU Shared Services (NSS) Procurement
Email: procurement@ntu.edu.sg  
Academic or Teaching Quality Feedback  Respective School’s Associate Chair (Academic) 



Ethics and Compliance Committee

Hotline: (65) 6592 3797

Postal Address:
Ethics and Compliance Committee
Nanyang Technological University
71 Nanyang Drive
#04-01A, NTU Innovation Centre
Singapore 638075

Online Form

Audit and Risk Committee Chairperson

Note: This form is to be used strictly for reporting of whistleblowing cases to the Audit and Risk Committee Chairperson ONLY. Please use the ECC Whistleblowing Form if your report should be investigated by the Ethics and Compliance Committee.

Online Form


To facilitate an effective investigation, the whistleblower should provide sufficient information which should contain as much as detail as possible including but not limited to:

  • Details of the alleged event, matter or issue that is the subject of concern, including where, when and how it occurred
  • The  name(s) of the person(s) and/or the School/Department/Institute involved
  • Any additional information to substantiate the event, matter or issue reported
  • Contact details to facilitate follow up queries

The details of the reports, including the whistleblowers’ identities, will be disclosed on a need-to-know basis for the purpose of investigations and to the appropriate authorities.


All reports will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

The University is committed to protect, against harassment or retaliation, whistleblowers who report, in good faith, a legitimate incident or concern.


A distinction will be made between anonymous and identified complaints as more weight will be placed on the latter. The University encourages whistleblowers to identify themselves and provide their contact particulars in case further clarification or information is required so that the University can investigate and resolve such matters effectively.

Anonymous reports will still be given due consideration but investigated on their own merits.


The University assures whistleblowers that the Ethics and Compliance Committee (ECC) will consider and investigate any legitimate concern or incident raised, or information provided in connection with it.


The University does not however condone false, frivolous or malicious allegations. For any malicious or bad faith reporting of wrongdoing without evidence or reasonable suspicions, the University reserves the right to take appropriate action which may include disciplinary or legal action, or referring any concerns or complaints to the appropriate authorities.

This is distinct from reports of suspected wrongdoing made in good faith based on the judgment and information available to the whistleblowers at the time of their report.