
There are several items relating to the rates (charges) for Nanyang Auditorium:

(A) Rental of facility

(B) Use of Audio-Visual System/Technicians in Nanyang Auditorium (Theatre)
(Bi) Audio Technician charges
(Bii) Video Technician charges

(C) Other charges
(Ci) Lighting Maintenance / Technicians Charges
(Cii) Directional Signage charges

(Ciii) Cleaning charges


*Per 4-hour block. Minimum of one Bump in & Out ( Set-up/ Tear-down) block and one Event block per booking.

*Air-conditioning will only be provided for actual usage of event. It will not be turned on for Set Up and Tear Down unless with good reasons. Prior notice must be given as well.
*Lighting will be provided for the duration of use.
*The rates stated exclude hire of technical crew, users for reception, specialist equipment & any extra equipment.
*Invoice (Rental of Facilities) will be issue by NTU- Office of Facilities and Management (ODFM).


   Set-up/Tear down
TheatreFirst 4 Hours8 HoursFirst 4 Hours8 Hours
Capacity : 1674 pax (12,886sqm)



   Set-up/Tear down
FoyerFirst 4 Hours8 HoursFirst 4 Hours8 Hours
Capacity : 956 pax (1,435 sqm)



   Set-up/Tear down
Exhibition HallFirst 4 Hours8 HoursFirst 4 Hours8 Hours
Capacity : 793 pax (​1,190 sqm) ​



   Set-up/Tear down
Crimson RoomFirst 4 Hours8 HoursN/A
Capacity : 111 pax (172 sqm)



   Set-up/Tear down
Dressing Room 1 @ Annex B1First 4 Hours8 HoursN/A
Capacity : 65 pax (101 sqm)



   Set-up/Tear down
VIP Room @ Annex B1First 4 Hours8 HoursN/A
Capacity : 8 pax (27 sqm)



Use of Main Stage in Nanyang Auditorium (Theatre)
*Charges quoted are per day basis and for rental of basic equipment only.

Types of functionRates per day
Lecture/Seminar/Movie ShowS$1,100
Concert PerformanceS$1,320

(Bi) Audio Technician charges

*It is compulsory to use the NTU-appointed Audio technicians (Minimum 2 Audio technicians per event).
*Number of technician to be provided will depend on the availability of Audio Technicians, and degree of complexity of the event.

*Audio Technicians in charge by NTU-NSS-IT (NTU Shared Services, Information Technology)
* Invoice (Audio Technician Charges) will be issue by NTU-NSS-IT.

 Rates per hour/ technician 
Audio Technician charges by NTU-NSS-ITS$35


(Bii) Video Technician charges

*It is compulsory to use the NTU-appointed Visual Technicians.
*Visual Technicians in charge by NTU-CITS (NTU- Centre for IT Services)
* For more details, please contact Videography Services CITS.
* Invoice (Videography Service Charges) will be issue by CITS.  

 Service Fee Per Event ( 4Hours/block)
 First blockSubsequent Block
Videography Technician Charge by CITSS$1,500S$1,200


(Ci) Lighting and Electrical Maintenance / Technicians Charges

*It is compulsory to use the NTU-assigned maintenance / lighting technicians (Minimum 2 technicians per event)..
*Number of technician to be provided will depend on the availability of maintenance and lighting technicians, and degree of complexity of the event. 

*This shall be advised by Office of Development & Facilities Management (ODFM) of NTU.
*Invoice (Lighting Technician Charges) will be issue by NTU-assigned Term Contractors.

Types of functionRates per hour / technician
Supply Technician to carry out M&E works between 0800 hrs to 1800 hrs ( set up before 0800, will fall on a day before)S$20
Supply Technician to carry out M&E works between 1800 hrs to 2359 hrsS$30
Supply Technician to carry out M&E works after midnight (next day is week day)S$30
Supply Technician to carry out M&E works after midnight (next day is Sun/Holiday)S$40


(Cii) Directional Signage charges

*It is suggested to put up road directional signage at strategic junctions. This is however not compulsory.

*The signage is to be in landscape A3 size. Please provide your template in PDF format.
*No banner, poster or advertising material will be permitted without prior written approval.
*This service is provided by ODFM. 


Signage (minimum of 3 signages)S$16.50 per lot
Per additional SignageS$5.00


(Ciii) Cleaning charges

*It is compulsory to use the NTU-assigned cleaners (Minimum 2 cleaners per event).
*This charges apply when there is catering involved.  
*User has to do own sourcing for catering.
*Invoice (Cleaning Charges) will be issue by NTU-assigned Term Contractors.

Things to note

All rates quoted are subject to changes without notice. 10% Administrative Charge and the prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST) also applies.