Group Booking of Facilities 

NTU Student Organized Groups 

Organized groups refer to NTU-registered clubs and societies. Bookings must be made by appointed representatives of the club/society. Such bookings are for competitive or organized activities only.  All booking requests must have prior event approval from the Student Affairs Office before the booking can be considered.

Booking requests have to be submitted at least 7 days in advance to the Sports & Recreation Centre. For large-scale events, bookings should be submitted at least one month in advance. In cases where waiver of charges has been granted, any cancellation of bookings must be made at least 3 days in advance or charges shall be imposed.   We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any bookings as we deem fit.

NTU Departments/Schools

NTU departments/schools may book selected facilities for official events/activities.  There may be charges for the booking or usage of the facilities, including recovery of utility consumption.  

How To Apply?

Please email your booking requests to Sports Facilities Booking.

For approved student events, event approval from Student Affairs Office must be attached.

Restriction of Usage

Users are strictly prohibited from transferring, assigning, subletting or re-selling their booking(s) of the NTU sports facilities (or part thereof). In the event of such an occurrence, we reserve the right to stop the activities and cancel your booking without refund.  You (and the associated student/staff group) may be barred from making future bookings.