Work-Intergrated Education (WIE) in NTU is aimed at enhancing student employability and career readiness. It does so in close partnership with industry leaders by incorporating and availing real-world work experiences into students' education journey. WIE is conducted through three programme categories - internship, Work-Study Degree Programme (WSDP) and NTU EDGE.
NTU places about 5000 students each year in credit-bearing internship programmes with industry partners, both locally and overseas. Internships are excellent means for organisations to:
- Access NTU's talent pool early to evaluate and recruit potential employees
- Supplement existing staff with additional manpower
- Inject fresh ideas and perspectives from enthusiastic students
- Create positive branding presence in the NTU student community
In 1993, in line with the growing internationalisation of Singapore's economy, NTU has initiated a scheme for overseas attachment of its undergraduates to give more students regional and international training experience so as to prepare them for future overseas posting by employers.
As a partner in this unique programme, you can benefit in a number of ways:
- Opportunity to identify and select future employees for overseas operations;
- Contributing to the internationalisation of Singapore's economy by joining NTU in training professionals for overseas postings.