Work-Intergrated Education (WIE) in NTU is aimed at enhancing student employability and career readiness. It does so in close partnership with industry leaders by incorporating and availing real-world work experiences into students' education journey. WIE is conducted through three programme categories - internship, Work-Study Degree Programme (WSDP) and NTU EDGE. ​

Local Internship

NTU places about 5000 students each year in credit-bearing internship programmes with industry partners, both locally and overseas. Internships are excellent means for organisations to:

  1. Access NTU's talent pool early to evaluate and recruit potential employees
  2. Supplement existing staff with additional manpower
  3. Inject fresh ideas and perspectives from enthusiastic students
  4. Create positive branding presence in the NTU student community

In 1993, in line with the growing internationalisation of Singapore's economy, NTU has initiated a scheme for overseas attachment of its undergraduates to give more students regional and international training experience so as to prepare them for future overseas posting by employers. 

As a partner in this unique programme, you can benefit in a number of ways:

  • Opportunity to identify and select future employees for overseas operations;
  • Contributing to the internationalisation of Singapore's economy by joining NTU in training professionals for overseas postings.  

Work-Based Education Programme


A short-term 'live' industry project programme to equip and develop NTU students with cutting-edge, industry-relevant competencies while they are still in school. Its practical and flexible nature caters to company project needs while offering real-world exposure to students.

Work-Study Degree Programmes

NTU's multiple work-term internship programme. It allows students to deepen their exposure and skills in the industry. It enables companies to gain early access to NTU talents and to groom and nurture them over time for future employment.