NEA Overview & Nomination Process

About the Nanyang Education Award

Formerly known as the “Teacher of the Year Award” and “Nanyang Award for Excellence in Teaching”, this Award was renamed “Nanyang Education Award” in 2013, and was expanded into a multi-tier award scheme that elevates teaching recognition at higher levels within Colleges and in the University. There are now three levels of the Award (School, College, and University) and three special distinctions (gold, silver, bronze).

NEA (University) Nomination Process

The Nanyang Education Award (University) is the highest honour conferred by the University to faculty members in the field of teaching. It is presented annually by the President of the University. The Award recognises the dedication and achievements of faculty members who display excellent teaching practices and who enrich the learning experiences of NTU undergraduate/graduate students and NIE Trainee Teachers through their deep passion and genuine concern for their students.

NEA (School) awardees can be nominated for the NEA (College) Award, and NEA (College) awardees can be nominated for NEA (University) Award. For the NEA (University) Award, each College should submit one nomination from among its College winners. All NEA awardees at the College and University levels become Fellows of the Teaching Excellence Academy.

The NEA Policy document can be found on the staff intranet.

 Nomination & Selection Timeline
Beginning March
Call for nominations for NEA (University)
End April
Close of nominations​
Beginning May
*Submission of Dossiers to TEA Secretariat
Mid MayInterview of Award Nominees by University Education Award Committee
JuneSelection of NEA (University) winners

*Nominations and Dossiers should be submitted to the TEA Secretariat:
Teaching Excellence Academy (