Convenient Parking and EV Charging at Your Fingertips
Enjoy a seamless and hassle-free parking experience with our Smart Car Park System, now launched across all NTU campuses.
Integrating automatic vehicle number plate recognition, data analytics and mobile payment technologies, the Smart Car Park System provides a ticketless, barrier-free entry and exit at NTU car parks.
GoParkin App
Find available parking lots on the go, apply for season parking, pay* for seasonal/hourly parking or find electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, pay and check charging status. Do all these easily by registering your vehicle via the GoParkin mobile app.
Simply download the GoParkin app and get started:
iOS users Download: 70.8 MB | Android users Download: 41 MB | Web Portal portal.goparkin.io |
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*Payment by credit and debit cards only.
Parking Users Application Guide
GoParkin User Guide | GoParkin app Guide | GoParkin portal Guide |
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Other Parking Payment Options
Payment options using NETS/ Cash card/ CEPAS/ EZ-link card are available via the In-Vehicle Unit (IU) or at the exit terminal of car park gantries.
Season Parking Lots
To better meet the parking needs of season parking users on campus, parking lots demarcated in red and white will be reserved for season parking holders from 6am to 6pm, Mondays to Fridays (excluding Public Holidays), in the following locations:
Zone 1
- Car Park A
- Car Park B
Zone 2A
- Car Park Q
- Gaia Car Park
Zone 2B
- Valley Block Car Park
Motorists are reminded to take note of the reserved timing indicated on the parking lots or on the signages near the parking lots.
For enquiries or feedback, please contact GoParkin at:
Email: enquiry@goparkin.com.sg
Hotline: 6592 3098
Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
What is the difference between the conventional Electronic Parking System (EPS) and the new barrier-free system?
The new barrier-free system identifies drivers through their vehicle registration number instead of their In-Vehicle Unit (IU) number. It is also integrated with the mobile app, GoParkin to allow drivers to pay for their parking fees via mobile payment instead of stored-value cards.
Do I need to install an additional reader in my vehicle for the deduction of car park fees?
No. The deduction of car park fees can be made using two methods:
- Registration of vehicle with the GoParkin app or web portal (https://portal.goparkin.io) and select credit/debit card payment.
- NETS/Cash card/CEPAS/EZ-link card payments are available via the In-Vehicle Unit (IU). Payment via NETS/Cash Card is available at the exit terminal of car park gantries.
Do note that enforcement action will be taken if you do not pay the parking charges.
Is there a grace period for passenger drop-offs?
Yes, there is a 15-minutes grace period.
Do I have to register for an account if my purpose is to drop off/pick up passengers?
If you drop off/pick up passengers within the 15 minutes grace period, payment will not be required, therefore no-account registration on GoParkin is required.
However, motorists are encouraged to register for an account with the GoParkin app or web portal (https://portal.goparkin.io), in case you remain in the car park beyond the grace period.
Why do I need a mobile number for my GoParkin account?
Your mobile number will be used as your account identifier, and SMS will be sent to your mobile number for password recovery and 2FA.
How do I activate my parking session via GoParkin?
Your parking session will automatically begin when your vehicle enters the car park and end when your vehicle exits the car park. You can view your parking session on the GoParkin app.
If you only register for a GoParkin account after you enter the car park, your parking session will also be available on the GoParkin app.
Do I need to leave the mobile app on all the time when I am using the car park?
No, the parking charges will be automatically charged and updated in your GoParkin account.
Do I have to register for an account before entering the car park?
You do not need a registered GoParkin account to enter into the car park. The system will register your parking session the moment your vehicle enters the car park and the charges will either be:
- billed from your registered GoParkin account if you have set one up after entering the car park, or
- deducted from your cash card/CEPAS/NETS/EZ-link card if you have not registered for a GoParkin account
Do note that enforcement action will be taken if you do not pay the parking charges.
Where can I top-up my cash card on NTU campus?
Please refer to the list of NETS top-up machines on campus via this link:
Car Park Zones & Charges
Where are the Car Park Zones and what are the current parking charges?
Please refer to the Car Park Zones and Charges page for more details:
What are the parking charges for motorcycles?
Parking is free for motorcycles.
I am a visitor to NTU, how do I pay for parking charges?
Visitors can download the GoParkin mobile app (available on Google Play and Apple Store) or access the web portal https://portal.goparkin.io to register and pay using Credit/Debit Cards.
Alternatively, visitors can either pay via their In-Vehicle (IU) device with their Cash Card and EZ-link Card, or pay at the exit terminal of the car park with their Cash Card.
I am driving a foreign vehicle without an In-Vehicle Unit (IU). How do I pay for my parking charges?
The deduction of car park fees can be made using two methods:
- Registration of vehicle with GoParkin app (available on Google Play and Apple Store) or web portal (https://portal.goparkin.io) and select credit/debit card payment.
- NETS/Cash card payment is available at the exit terminal of car park gantries.
Please use the intercom or car park hotline at 6592 3098 if assistance is required.
I have a registered account on the GoParkin app. What happens when I exit the car park with my cash card inside the IU?
The system will recognise the vehicle registration number and deduct the parking charges via your GoParkin account.
How can I check if there are available lots in the car parks?
You can check for availability of car park lots via the map in the GoParkin app. Please enable the location function in your mobile phone setting to view the car parks near your location. Please refer to the screenshot below.
Season Parking
How do I apply for Season Parking?
All season parking applications must be applied through the GoParkin app (available on Google Play and Apple Store) or the GoParkin web portal: https://portal.goparkin.io.
From the home button located on the top left corner of the GoParkin app,
a. Select “Season Parking” tab > click "Apply Season Parking"
b. Select "Car Park" and "Identity type" > click "Next" for the season parking application.
- For staff - to check your "Employee ID", please login to your Workday account, select "Profile", your "Employee ID" can be found under "Job Details".
- For students - your matriculation number can be found on your Student Matriculation Card.
c. Select the "Zone", "Start Date" and "Vehicle No." > click "Next" to upload your relevant identification document.
d. Select "Submit" upon successful upload of relevant identification document
Please note that season parking holders enjoy parking at car parks in other zones, where the monthly season charges are equal to or lower than their monthly season charge.
For example, a Zone 1 season holder will be able to park at other car parks in Zone 1, or at other car park zones where the monthly season charges are lower than that of Zone 1 (i.e., Zones 2a, 2b, 3 Covered and 3 Open), if their preferred car park is full.
What are the information that I need to get ready before I apply for Season Parking?
- Vehicle registration number
- Vehicle IU number
- Employee ID from Workday / Student Matriculation Number (NRIC not required)
- Picture of your Staff/Student pass
Can I register the same vehicle to more than one account?
No, vehicles can only be tied to a single mobile number for security purpose.
How will I know if my season parking application is successful with the GoParkin app?
Season parking at the NTU main campus is subject to availability of preferred car park zones. The GoParkin app will automatically inform drivers of any changes to their application status.
Will a season holder be given a season parking label?
No, season parking holders will be identified by their registered vehicle’s In-Vehicle Unit (IU) and registered vehicle license plate.
Is there a cut-off date for season parking application using the GoParkin app and portal?
Season parking application on GoParkin is available 24/7. Please note that full-month season parking fee will apply, regardless of the date of application during the month. There will not be a pro-rated price for season parking. Three (3) working days will be required for the approval of season parking application.
Will my season parking be renewed automatically?
- For staff - you will receive notification of auto-renewal and payment deduction on the 25th of every month. No action is required if you intend to continue with your season parking. You will need to terminate your season parking by the 23rd of each month if you do not intend to continue with your season parking. There will be no refunds for season parking once payment has been deducted.
- For students/others – re-application of season parking is required each month.
Are season holders guaranteed a parking lot?
Season parking holders are guaranteed a car park lot by zone only, not by particular car parks.
For example, a Zone 1 season holder will have to park at other car parks in Zone 1, or at other car park zones where the monthly season charges are lower than that of Zone 1 (i.e., Zones 2a, 2b, 3 Covered and 3 Open) (refer to below), if their preferred car park is full.
Which are the car parks that a season holder of a particular zone can park at?
Season parking holders enjoy parking at no charge for car parks in other zones, where the monthly season charges are equal to or lower than their monthly season charge. Please refer to the table below for illustration:
I have applied for season parking at NTU main campus. Do I need to re-apply for season parking at NIE, LKCMedicine and NTU@one-north car parks?
Yes, the car parks for each NTU entity are handled by the respective car park administrators. Thus, a new seasoning parking pass has to be applied for the individual campuses via GoParkin app (available on Google Play and Apple Store) or the web portal: https://portal.goparkin.io.
For any enquiries on NIE, LKCMedicine and NTU@one-north car parks, please email:
- NIE - nieded@nie.edu.sg
- LKCMedicine – lkcmedicine_operations@ntu.edu.sg
- NTU@one-north – onec@ntu.edu.sg
Can I switch to a different car park zone for my existing season parking?
No, please apply for a new season parking pass if you have applied for the wrong zone. There will be no refunds or pro-rated fee for season parking.
I bought new vehicle recently, can I transfer my season parking to my new vehicle?
Yes, you can transfer your season parking in the following ways:
- Please provide your new vehicle type, vehicle registration number and IU number via the “Feedback” function in the GoParkin app
- Apply for a “Change of Vehicle” under the Season Parking tab on the web portal
- Call the car park hotline at 6592 3098
Please note that season parking can only be transferred between vehicles, but not from one mobile number to another.
I will be going overseas or out-of-office this month. Can I suspend my season parking temporarily?
No, temporary suspension of season parking is not allowed. There is also no deferment of the season parking pass to subsequent months.
Will there be refunds for season or hourly parking?
There will be no refunds for both season and hourly parking.
How do I terminate my season parking?
You can submit a request via the “Feedback” function in the GoParkin app or web portal https://portal.goparkin.io, or call the GoParkin hotline at 6592 3098. Please note that there is no refund for termination of season parking before the end of the month.
Can a member of the public apply for season parking at NTU main campus?
No. Season parking is only available to NTU students, faculty members and staff. Request from NTU contractor/tenant is subject to availability.
What are the types of credit cards accepted to make payment?
The GoParkin app and web platform accepts Credit/Debit (Visa/MasterCard) for making payment.
Can I use my NTU matriculation card or NTU staff pass as a cash card to make payment?
Yes, the deduction will be made using the NTU matriculation card or staff card, via the conventional Electronic Parking System (EPS).
I am using a rented vehicle. Can I make payment for parking charges via GoParkin?
Yes, you have to register an account in the GoParkin app. Please remove your vehicle registration number immediately when you have returned your vehicle.
I am not able to download my parking receipt under the Transactions tab.
Please submit a request via the “Feedback” function in the GoParkin app. Alternatively, you may screenshot your e-receipt for record.
I have made a payment transaction using my GoParkin app/web portal. Will I be able to print out an invoice from the car park gantry?
Only e-receipts will be available via the GoParkin app/web portal. Please select “Transactions”, to download a copy of the receipt.
Season parking receipts can be found under season parking summary on the GoParkin web portal, and “Season Parking” in the GoParkin mobile app.
Why is my bill and parking fee different?
The GoParkin app consolidates parking sessions, and the bill would be reflected when the parking fees either (whichever is earlier):
a) Accumulates to a minimum fee of $5, or
b) After two days
For enquiries, please write to enquiry@goparkin.com.sg or contact the GoParkin hotline at 6592 3098.
Will there be refunds for hourly or season parking?
There will be no refunds for both hourly and season parking.
Miscellaneous Information
The GoParkin app is not loading.
Please check that there is 3G/4G internet connection on your phone, and activate your mobile data if there is no internet coverage. If the problem persists, please restart your phone, and try again.
Do I need to update to the latest version of GoParkin app?
The GoParkin app software is updated regularly. Please check that you have the most current version on Google Play or Apple Store.
What browser works best for the GoParkin portal (https://portal.goparkin.io/)?
The GoParkin web portal works better on Google Chrome.
Is GoParkin compatible with my smartphone?
GoParkin is compatible with phones installed with Android 8 or Apple iOS 10 and above.
GoParkin is not showing my vehicle location. What do I do?
Please enable the location tracking function in your phone.
I have changed my mobile number. How can I migrate my account to the new mobile number?
If there is a change in your mobile number, please email us at enquiry@goparkin.com.sg with details of your old mobile number, vehicle number and new mobile number, and valid proof of the change in mobile numbers. Please allow us five (5) working days to process your request. We will update you via email once we have completed the process, and you may then sign in to your GoParkin app account with your new mobile number.
How do I update my new vehicle registration number or amend a wrong entry for vehicle registration number?
For users who are parking on an hourly basis, you can directly amend your vehicle number in the GoParkin app.
For existing season parking holders, you can transfer your season parking in the following ways:
- Please provide your new vehicle type, vehicle registration number and IU number via the “Feedback” function in the GoParkin app
- Apply for a “Change of Vehicle” under the Season Parking tab on the web portal
- Call the car park hotline at 6592 3098
What will happen if I accidentally drive my vehicle into a car park through the exit lane or vice versa in a barrier-free car park?
Please follow the directional markings available on the ground and use the correct lanes to ensure the safety of other users of the car park. Reckless drivers will be reported to the Campus Security.
My vehicle has been wheel clamped within the car park compound and I have been charged with a fine. Who do I call?
You may contact the car park hotline at 6592 3098. The contact number will also be indicated on the notification slip placed on your windscreen.
The fee for releasing a wheel clamp is $50 (excluding GST). The wheel clamp will be released after you have made payment.
For vehicles that are parked illegally outside the car park compound, please contact NTU Campus Security Division at 6790 5200.
I would like to request for Prepaid Tickets for an event. What is the procedure to do so?
If you are a staff of NTU/NIE, please register for an account at https://portal.goparkin.io/#/organization/NTU/login to purchase the tickets, and refer to the user manual on the site for application.
Alternatively, you can write to enquiry@goparkin.com.sg or contact the GoParkin hotline at 6592 3098.
I have an event coming up and I would like to request for reservation of car park lots for VIP guests. Who do I contact?
Please contact the NTU Campus Security Division at csdgo@ntu.edu.sg, with the following details:
- Event Name:
- Date of Event:
- Name of VIP Guest(s):
- Designation of VIP Guest(s):
- Company/Designation:
- Vehicle Registration No.:
- Car Park Location:
- No. of car park lots/specific lots required:
- Remarks (if any)