BSSB Curriculum AY2020 Intake

B.Sc (Hons) in Biological Sciences with 2nd Major in Biomedical Structural Biology

Curriculum and Course Descriptions AY2020

Year 1 Semester 1CoreBS1001Introductory Biology^3
CoreBS1002Biophysical Chemistry3
CoreBS1003Organic Chemistry3
GER-CoreHW0111Communication: A Journey of Inquiry through Writing and Speech2
Total AUs17

** Students will be pre-registered with GER-PE-LA "HE9091 Principles of Economics" (3AUs) in their first semester. Students may drop the pre-registered GER-PE-LA and register for other available GER-PE.


Year 1 Semester 2CoreBS1005Biochemistry I3
CoreBS1006Principles of Genetics3
CoreBS1007Molecular & Cell Biology I3
CoreBS1009Introduction to Computational Thinking3
CoreBS1100Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques Level 13
GER-UECM1041Basic Physical Chemistry with Laboratory4
GER-CoreGC0001Sustainability: Seeing through the Haze1
Total AUs20

Year 2 Semester 1CoreBS2001Physiology3
CoreBS2003Biochemistry II3
Major-PE -(From Table B)6
GER-CoreML0003Kickstart your Career Success1
GER-CoreBS0004Introduction to Data Science3
Total AUs22

Year 2 Semester 2CoreBS4223Professional Career Development1
GER-UEBS2020Mathematics and Physics for the Structural Biologist3
GER-UE​​CM2031Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry​​3
GER-UECM2041Physical and Biophysical Chemistry I3
GER-UEBS2021RNA Structures & RNA based Drug Development3
Scientific Communication II2
GER-CoreHY0001Ethics and Moral Reasoning1
GER-CoreBS0005One Health3
Total AUs19

Year 3 Semester 1Major-PE-(From Table B)12
GER-UEBS3021Bioimaging Techniques in EM3
GER-UE-(From Table C)3
Total AUs21

Year 3 Semester 2CoreBS4224Professional Internship11
GER-CoreET0001Entrepreneurship and Innovation1
Total AUs12

Year 4 Semester 1Major-PE- BS4020 - Final Year Project
(From Table B)
GER-UE-(From Table C)6
Total AUs18

Year 4 Semester 2Major-PE- BS4020 - Final Year Project
(From Table A)
GER-UEBS3025NMR in Structural Biology3
Total AUs15

^ Online courses

# Major PE which is conducted during the 1-week term break or during the 2 weeks before the term starts.

^^ BS1101 and BS2103 are considered as ONE Major PE.

++ Recommended Major PE which is conducted during the inter-semestral break. Completion of BS2901 will allow you to do one less Major PE in any of the future semesters. Registration of BS2901 will be done by the School.

Table A - Major PE (Semester 2)

Course Code Course Title Course AUs
BS2004 Molecular & Cell Biology II 3
BS2010 Bioimaging 3
BS2025 One Health (offer next AY22 Sem2) 3
BS2011^ Equations of Life 3
BS3006 Bioentrepreneurship 3
BS3014 Biological foundations of behavior 3
BS3022 Protein Trafficking 3
​​BS3036 Fundamentals of Immunology- concepts and experiments 3​
BS3104 Pathology (病理学) 3
BS3202 Commercialization of Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques 3
BS3332# Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Methods in Histology3
BS3335# Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Protein behavior in health and disease – biophysical tools 3
BS3347# Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Metabolomics and Lipidomics (On hold) 3
BS3351# Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Plant Taxonomy and Molecular Phylogenetics 3
BS4011 Biology of Social Behavior (On hold)3
BS4018 Biology of Aging and Neurodegeneration 3
BS4019 ​Discovery and Development of Therapeutic Antibodies 3​
BS4205 Good Manufacturing Practice and Sterilisation for Medical Devices 3
BS4030 Advanced Microbial Pathogenesis (On hold)3
AAB20D Ecology 3
ES2303 Introduction to Ecology 3

# Major PE which is conducted during the 1-week term break

“BS2011 Equations of Life” has final examination during term break. The entire course duration is from teaching week 1- week 7. Please check the NTU Learn course site for more information

Table B- Major PE (Semester 1)


Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AUs
BS1101^^Basics of TCM (中医基础理论)6
BS1200Understanding Singapore Healthcare System3
BS2100Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques Level 23
BS2103^^TCM Diagnostics (中医诊断学)6
BS2011^Equations of Life3
BS3003Developmental biology3
BS3004Cancer biology and Therapy3
BS3014Biological foundations of behavior3
BS3018Plant biology3
BS3023Regulatory Control of Healthcare Products and Medical Devices3
BS3024Evolution in Health and Disease3
BS3027Spectroscopic Methods in Biomedical Structural Biology3
BS3032Environmental Microbiology3
BS3331#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Applied Immunology3
BS3338#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Effect of Anti-mitotic Drugs on Cancer Cells3
BS3340#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Science of aging and life extension in C. elegans3
BS3342#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Role of Actin cytoskeleton regulators in metastasis3
BS3344#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography3
BS3348#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Field Studies in Functional Plant Ecology3
BS3349#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Introduction to R programming3
BS4002Current topics in cell biology3
BS4010Synthetic Biology3
BS4014Molecular Basis of Diseases3
BS4015Plant Biotechnology3
BS4016Advanced Virology3
BS4017High-Throughput Bioinformatics3
BS2901++Research Experience3
BG4215Biomedical Nanotechnology3
CH4306Bioanalytical Techniques3
ES2304​Microbes on natural ecosystems​3
ES3302Tropical Ecology3

^ Online courses

# Major PE which is conducted during the 1-week term break or during the 2 weeks before the term starts.

^^ BS1101 and BS2103 are considered as ONE Major PE.

++ Recommended Major PE which is conducted during the inter-semestral break. Completion of BS2901 will allow you to do one less Major PE in any of the future semesters. Registration of BS2901 will be done by the School.


Table C (BDE for 2nd major)

Choose three  (3) prescribed elective courses
Course CodeCourse Title Course AUs Offering Sem
BS3008 Computer Aided Drug Discovery 3 Sem 2
BS3013 Drug discovery & development, biotechnology 3 Sem 2
Light and Biomolecule Behavior in Health and Disease
3 Sem 1
BS3028 Natural Products in Medicinal Chemistry 3 Sem 2
BS3344 Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography 3 Sem 1
BS4014 Molecular Basis of Diseases 3 Sem 1
CM4034 Natural Product Chemistry 3 Sem 1 (not offered)
CM4043 Molecular Modeling: Principle and Applications 3 Sem 1
CM4051 Advanced Bioorganic chemistry 3 Sem 2
(not offered)
CM5031Analytical & Manufacturing Techniques in Pharmaceutical Industry​ 3 Sem 2
CM5081Medicinal Chemistry 3 Sem 1
CM5082Drug Design and Synthesis 3 Sem 2

Note: For BSxxxx courses under Table C, it will be cleared as BDE to fulfil 2nd major in Biomedical Structural Biology first. The BS course could be reclassified to Major PE when all BDE requirements under 2nd major in Biomedical Structural Biology have been fulfilled.

Refer to SPMS course content page for CM course info.

NTU reserves all rights to make changes to the programme structure with prior notice.

NTU reserves all rights to make changes to the programme structure with prior notice.​​​​​​​​​