
Hee Wai Siam, (2019). Remapping the Sinophone: The Cultural Production of Chinese-Language Cinema in Singapore and Malaya before and during the Cold War. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong University Press.

Hee Wai Siam, (Post-Malaysian Chinese-language Film: Accented Style, Sinophone and Auteur Theory:

Quah Sy-Ren  and Hee Wai Siam, eds., (2020). Memorandum: A Sinophone Singaporean Short Story Reader. Singapore: Ethos Books.

Sim Wai Chew and Yow Cheun Hoe (eds.) , (2021). Singapore Comparative Literature Compendium. London: Balestier Academic.

 You Junhao 游俊豪.  2021.  Xinjiapo de Zhongguo xin yimin: Rongru de jingyu  新加坡与中国新移民:融入的境遇  (New Chinese Migrants in Singapore: A Question of Citizenship).  Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press

You Junhao 游俊豪.  2022.  Chaohai dizhu: Yang Qi Lin shiji yanjiu 潮海砥柱:杨启霖事迹研究 (Building Pillars across Seas: Study of Yeo Khee Lim and His Life (co-edited with Zhang Huimei and Chen Meigan)(Chinese-English bilingual volumes).  Singapore: Chinese Heritage Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Nam Hwa Opera Limited; Yeo Khee Lim Teochew Culture Research Centre.

Yow Cheun Hoe & QU Jing-yi, (2021) eds., The Cultural Legacy of Chinese Schools in Singapore and Malaysia (in English), London and New York: Routledge, United Kingdom, 257pp.

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Hee Wai Siam, (2021). “The Lure of Diaspora: Diaspora Discourse, Accented Style, and Sinophone Malaysian Culture,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. 33.2: 205-257.

Hee Wai Siam, (2019). “Accented Style: On Namewee’s Sinophone Malaysian Film and Rap Songs,” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. 21.2: 273-290.

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Lin, Jingxia, (2019) Grammaticalization of shuo and jiang in Singapore Mandarin Chinese: A Spoken-Corpus-Based Study. In Jia-Fei Hong, Qi Su, and Jiun-Shiung Wu (eds.) Chinese Lexical Semantics (CLSW 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 82-90. Cham: Springer.

Yeo Min Hui, Toh Hun Ping, eds. (2020). The Relationship between Anarchism and the Film Industry in Malaya: A Preliminary Investigation into the Role of the Nanyang Film Company as Contact Point in the 1925 Kuala Lumpur Bomb Outrage (馬來亞無政府主義運動的電影牽繫:1925 年吉隆坡爆炸案中南洋影片公司的聯絡站角色初探). Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (台灣東南亞學刊), 15(2), 5-32.

You Junhao (游俊豪), (2020). “Lisan Fanshi: Xinjiapo huawen wenxue yu wenhua” 离散范式:新加坡华文文学与文化 (Diasporic Paradigm: Singapore Chinese Literature and Culture), Xianggang Wenxue 香港文学  (Hong Kong Literature), No. 430 (October 2020), pp. 4-13.

You Junhao (游俊豪), (2020). “Xinhua wenxue changyu lun: quanqiu mailuo de zaidi jiegou” 新华文学场域论:全球脉络的在地结构  (Singapore Chinese Literature as a Site: Local Structure in Global Terrains), In Xiong Zhiqin 熊志琴and Zeng Zhicong 曾智聪 (eds.), Chengchuan yu liubo: quanqiu mailuo yu Zhongguo Wenhua lunji 承传与流播:全球脉络与中国文化论集  ( Heritage and Dissemination: Essays on Global Context and Chinese Culture)(Taipei: Showe Information Co., Ltd, 2020), pp. 99-114.

On anti-Communist films sponsored by the UK and US governments in Southeast Asia during the Cold War period, Singapore MOE AcRF Tier 1, 2017-2022. PI: Hee Wai Siam

新加坡教育部一级学术研究资助, 2017至2022年度

Cold war anti-Communist films produced by Hollywood in Singapore and Malaya(1950-1954), Fulbright Singapore Researcher Award, Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, United States, 2017-2018. PI: Hee Wai Siam


Singapore Screening Spaces, Singapore MOE AcRF Tier 1 Seed Grant. PI: Yeo Min Hui

Singapore Comparative Literature Database (with accompanying workshop and compendium), Singapore MOE AcRE Tier 1, 2017-2021. PI: Sim Wai Chew, Co-PI: Yow Cheun Hoe

Singlish Transfer on Screen: An Audience Reception Study, Singapore MOE AcRE Tier 1, 2022-2025. PI: Arista Szu-Yu Kuo

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