
Hee Wai Siam, (2019). Remapping the Sinophone: The Cultural Production of Chinese-Language Cinema in Singapore and Malaya before and during the Cold War. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong University Press.

Hee Wai Siam, (2018).《华语电影在后马来西亚:土腔风格、华夷风和作者论》[Post-Malaysian Chinese-language Film: Accented Style, Sinophone and Auteur Theory: 联经出版社.

Yeo Min Hui,  (2020). Our Films, Our Home – Amoy Films and the Changing Amoy Identity in Singapore and Malaysia (1948-1966) (我们的电影,我们的家— 厦语电影与新马厦语身份的渐变 (1948-1966)). Singapore: Centre for Chinese Studies, Singapore University of Social Sciences.

Yeo Min Hui, (Co-edit with Toh Hun Ping and Su Zhangkai)  

Chu Kiu-wai. (2022). “Screening Vulnerability in the Anthropocene: Island of The Hungry Ghosts and the Eco-Ethics of Refugee Cinema”. Screen: No.62.4 Special dossier issue on “Tracing the Anthropocene in Southeast Asian Cinemas”. U:K: Oxford University Press.

Chu Kiu-wai (2022). “The Tales of Chinese Herbs: Rethinking Environmental Medicine through Documentaries on Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM)”, in The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Medical-Environmental Humanities. Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.

Chu Kiu-wai (2021). “Humans/Mermaids/Dolphins: Endangerment, Empathy and Multispecies Coexistence in Stephen Chow’s The Mermaid”. Embodied Memories, Embedded Healing: New Ecological Perspectives from East Asia. Lexington Books.

Chu Kiu-wai, (2021). “Ruptured Shanshui: Composite Landscape Photography from Lang Jingshan to Yang Yongliang.” Photographies, 14(1), 3-14. U.K.:Routledge.

Chu Kiu-wai, (2019). Worms in the Anthropocene: The Multispecies World in Xu Bing’s Silkworm Series. Chinese Environmental Humanities: Practices of Environing at the Margins. U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hee Wai Siam, (2021). “The Lure of Diaspora: Diaspora Discourse, Accented Style, and Sinophone Malaysian Culture,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. 33.2: 205-257.

Hee Wai Siam, (2020). “Queer Latent Images, Post-Loyalism and the Cold War: The Case of an Early Sinophone Star, Bai Yun,” Cultural Critique.108: 94-124.

Hee Wai Siam, (Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies. 31: 43-82.

Hee Wai Siam, (2019). “Accented Style: On Namewee’s Sinophone Malaysian Film and Rap Songs,” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. 21.2: 273-290.

Hee Wai Siam, (2018).  “Anti-Communist Films Sponsored by the US Government in Singapore and Malaya: On the New York Sound Masters Inc.,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies.19.2: 310-327.

Hee Wai Siam, (2017).  “Anti-Communist Moving Images and Cold War Ideology: on the Malayan Film Unit,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies.18.4: 593-609.

Hee Wai Siam, (2017). [Cold War Films and the Campaign of Truth: A Case Study in Singapore and Malaya]Twenty-First Century.162: 64-78.

Hee Wai Siam, (Contemporary Cinema. 5: 46-50.

Hee Wai Siam, (2017). “Malayanized Chinese-language Cinema: On Yi Shui’s Lion City, Black Gold, and Film Writings,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies. 18.1: 131-146.

Yeo Min Hui, (Co-author with Toh Hun Ping) (2020). The Relationship between Anarchism and the Film Industry in Malaya: A Preliminary Investigation into the Role of the Nanyang Film Company as Contact Point in the 1925 Kuala Lumpur Bomb Outrage (馬來亞無政府主義運動的電影牽繫:1925 年吉隆坡爆炸案中南洋影片公司的聯絡站角色初探). Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (台灣東南亞學刊), 15(2), 5-32. 

Creation and Analysis of a Digital Asset with the Gibson-Hill Photographic Collection, Singapore MOE AcRF Tier 2, 2021-2024. PI: Oh Soon-Hwa, Co-PI: Chu Kiu-wai

Chinese Eco-Images in The Planetary Age: The Multispecies World of Humans, Animals, National Humanities Center Fellowship, National Humanities Center, United States, 2022-2023. PI: Chu Kiu-wai

On anti-Communist films sponsored by the UK and US governments in Southeast Asia during the Cold War period, Singapore MOE AcRF Tier 1, 2017-2022. PI: Hee Wai Siam

论冷战时期英国和美国官方在东南亚资助的反共电影, 新加坡教育部一級學術研究資助, 2017至2022年度, 主要研究员: 許維賢

Cold war anti-Communist films produced by Hollywood in Singapore and Malaya(1950-1954), Fulbright Singapore Researcher Award, Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, United States, 2017-2018. PI: Hee Wai Siam

好莱坞在新加坡和马来亚制作的冷战反共电影(1950-1954), 美國富布赖特學人計劃, 2017-2018年度, 主要研究員: 許維賢

Singapore Screening Spaces, Singapore MOE AcRF Tier 1 Seed Grant. PI: Yeo Min Hui, 2022-25.


HC1001 文学与文化导论 

HC2014 华文剧场与表演 

HC2062 新加坡华语文化生产

HC3014 中台港电影的文化研究

HC3015 现代中国的城市文化

HC3018 后人类主义:华文文学、电影与文化

HC3019 南方美学

HC3043 古今生态思想与哲学

HC4013 中国文学与性别研究

HC4063 新马华语系文化研究

HC4064 历史与议题:新加坡跨文化华文剧场 

HC5010 动物与中华文化

HC5017  东南亚电影的跨国性

HC7014 华语电影文化研究