The CryoFACE facility contains a Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS), Magnetic Properties Measurement System (MPMS), and X-ray diffractometer.

Using the Facility


Before users are allowed to operate the equipment at the Facility, they are required to attend a training session and pass a test. Please contact the respective equipment administrator for more information (contact detail below) before requesting for training. To schedule a training session, complete the Training Request Form​. Please read the lab rules, the Do's and Don'ts policy, and manuals before use. 

Booking Equipment

After passing the training, you may book the equipment via CEBS NTU (FOM login). You need to register an account in FOM if this is your first access. If you are not an NTU staff member or student, please email our facility staff (contact detail below).

The charging rate schedule is shown below. Different rates are charged for SPMS users, NTU Non-SPMS users, Non-NTU academic users, and commercial users.

​Equipment ​​​​

Location​ ​

​NTU SPMS​ ​​NTU Non-SPMS​ ​​​Non-NTU ​Academic ​
​​Self OperationWith
Self Operation​With


01-11B$40 / hr#$140 / hr​$60 / hr#$160 / hr​$300 / sample
PPMS​01-11B​$40 / hr​$140 / hr​​$60 / hr​​$160 / hr​$800 / sample
MPMS**​01-11B​$40 / hr​​$140 / hr​​$60 / hr$160 / hr​$1000/sample
(2 hrs/session)

** Rate is $5000 for the first 4 days of usage if SQUID is in warm-up state.
# User must have a valid radiation licence. 
† Price is per session, per trainee, and per equipment.

Location and Contact Details


SPMS-PAP-01-11B, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637371

Contact Information

Ms Yeo Elaine
Phone: +65 6904 7160

Dr Chen Xiuying
Phone: +65 6970 1802

Equipment List

Quantum Design PPMS 6000
  • 14T magnet, standard temperature range of 1.9–300K, Helium-3 option 0.45–300K.
  • Transport measurements: AC and DC Resisitivity, Hall effect and Critical Current.
  • Heat capacity measurements: ACMS, AC and DC susceptibility.
  • Thermal transport measurements: thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, Thermoelectric Figure of Merit, torque magnetometry.
  • Horizontal rotator for use with transport and torque magnetometry.
  • Closed-cycle helium reliquifier.
Quantum Design MPMS XL
  • 7T magnet, standard temperature range of 1.3–300K; high temperature oven: 300–800K.
  • DC magnetization measurement.
  • Reciprocating sample option.
  • Ultra-low field option with < 0.05G remnant field.
X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku SmartLab)
  • General Bragg-Brentano focusing.
  • theta/2—theta scan range.
  • Rocking curve and high-resolution parallel beam measurements
  • Film thickness measurement mapping.