Course Information


3 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Basic concepts in mechanics, such as projectile motion, Newton's laws of motion, friction, circular motion, and collisions.

Prerequisite: Physics and Maths at A or H2 level, or equivalents.
Not available to students who have taken or are taking PH1011, PH1012, PH1801, or CY1308.

Optics, Vibrations and Waves

3 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Basic concepts in optics and wave phenomena, such as the modelling of vibrations and waves, rays, interference, and diffraction.

Prerequisite: Physics and Maths at A or H2 level, or equivalents.
Not available to students who have taken/are taking EE1002.

Electricity and Magnetism

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Key ideas of fields and oscillations, in the context of electrostatics, magnetism, simple harmonic motion and electric circuits.

Prerequisite: Physics and Maths at A or H2 level, or equivalents.
Not available to students who have taken/are taking PH1011, PH1012, PH1802, EE1002, PHYS1B, CY1302, or CY1306.

Relativity and Quantum Physics

3 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Basic concepts and problem solving skills for analysing objects moving close to the speed of light and particles exhibiting quantum behaviour.

Prerequisite: Physics and Maths at A or H2 level, or equivalents.
Not available to students who have taken/are taking CY1307.

Physics Laboratory Ia

2 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Basic laboratory course in experimental physics, with experiments in mechanics, basic optics and thermal physics. The laboratory sessions provide an active learning experience for appreciating key physics concepts. Students also learn about data acquisition, error analysis, error distribution, and data analysis.

Prerequisite: Physics at A or H2 level or equivalent.

Physics Laboratory Ib

2 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Basic laboratory course in experimental physics, with experiments in electricity and magnetism, circuits, optics and wave phenomena. The laboratory sessions provide an active learning experience for appreciating key physics concepts. Students also learn about data acquisition, error analysis, error distribution, and data analysis.

Prerequisite: Physics at A or H2 level or equivalent.

Quantum Mechanics I

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Introduction to quantum mechanics. The formalism of quantum mechanics is developed in terms of matrices and wave functions, along with details about foundational quantum experiments and real-life applications.

Prerequisites: (MH1801 and PH1107) OR (MH1801 and CY1307) OR (MH1802 and MH1803 and PH1107) OR (CY1307 and CY1601 and CY1602) OR (MH1101 and MH1200 and PH1107).
Not available to students who have taken/are taking CY1303.


4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Fundamental principles of electromagnetism. Students also learn analytical, computational and mathematical skills involved in solving partial differential equations, and how to interpret the physical concepts behind the equations and their solutions.

Prerequisites: (MH1801 and MH2800 and PH1106) OR (MH1802 and MH1803 and MH2802 and PH1106) OR (CY1601 and CY1602 and CY1308) OR (MH1101 and MH1200 and PH1106).

Thermal Physics

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Basic concepts in thermal physics, including the nature of temperature and heat.

Prerequisites: (MH2800 and PH1104) OR (MH1803 and PH1104) OR (CY1601 and CY1602 and CY1308) OR (MH1101 and MH1200).

Analytical Mechanics

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Basic concepts and problem solving skills for analytical mechanics. The physical intuition and analytical skills covered in this course are essential for advanced topics such as quantum mechanics and photonics.

Prerequisites: (MH2800 and PH1104) OR (MH1803 and MH2802 and PH1104) OR (CY1601 and CY1602 and CY1308)
Not available to students who have taken/are taking MA1001.

Physics Laboratory IIa

2 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Intermediate laboratory course in experimental physics, with experiments involving electronic signal processing, interferometry, spectroscopy, and more.

Prerequisite: PH1198 or CY1400.

Physics Laboratory IIb

2 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Intermediate laboratory course in experimental physics, with experiments involving computer-aided data acquisition, spectroscopy, thermal physics, and more.

Prerequisite: PH1199 or CY1400.

Physical Optics

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Concepts in physical optics and electromagnetic wave phenomena, including the phenomena of polarisation, interference and diffraction.

Prerequisite: PH1105

Introductory Astrophysics

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

The objective of this course is to allow students to be aware of the charateristics of our universe. Students will also be shown the tools used for gathering astronomical data through observations and see the applications of various topics in physics in explaining a wide range of astrophysical phenomena.

Prerequisites: PH1104 and PH1107.

Quantum Mechanics II

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Intermediate course in quantum mechanics, featuring the logical and systematic development of quantum mechanical formalism. Topics include quantum kinematics, finite- and infinite-dimensional systems, quantum measurements, symmetries in quantum mechanics, angular momentum, hydrogenic atoms, and perturbation theory.

Prerequisites: PH2101 and MH2801.

Condensed Matter Physics I

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

The structure of solids, and the quantum mechanical motion of atoms and electrons in periodic solids. Topics include crystal symmetry, sound propagation in solids, electronic properties, and the distinctions between metals, semiconductors and insulators.

Prerequisites: PH1105, PH2101, and PH2103.

Technological Applications of Quantum Mechanics

3 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

This course serves as an introduction to three main areas built on modern quantum mechanics: (1) atomic and molecular physics, (2) condensed matter physics and (3) nuclear physics. Topics include basic quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, and nuclear physics.

Prerequisites: PH2101

Physics Laboratory IIIa

2 AU | Semester 1 & 2

Detailed course information

Advanced training in experimental physics, covering a wide variety of topics including quantum physics, electrodynamics, atomic physics and spectroscopy, solid state physics, fluid mechanics, semiconductor physics, photonics, biophysics and thin film growth.

Prerequisites: PH2198 and PH2199.

Statistical Mechanics I

4 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information


Postulates and key ideas in statistical mechanics, with applications to classical and quantum gases. Topics include the postulates of statistical mechanics, temperature and entropy, density of states and heat capacity in black body radiation, ideal classical gases, free electron gases, phonons, and phase transitions.

Prerequisite: PH3101.

Introduction to Bioimaging and Biosensing Techniques

3 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

This course aims to develop a basic understanding of core physics, engineering, basics of chemistry and related concepts including nanotechnology behind the cutting edge bioimaging and biosensing techniques for clinical diagnostics.

Mutually exclusive with PH4607.

Non-Ionizing Medical Imaging and Processing

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

The course focuses on the required computing knowledge for a clinical medical physicist which includes image and signal processing, basic computer hardware architecture and health informatics. It also covers the physical and biological foundations, engineering solution, diagnostic and research applications of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging physics, including the various imaging techniques.

Prerequisite: PH3301.

Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information


Introduction to the physics of human and animal movement. The Exercise Physiology component will focus on the theme of “where physics meet physiology” in health, physical performance and ageing. Topics include biomechanics of human skeleton, mechanical properties of biological tissues, liquid flow, fundamental concepts of physiological regulation and physical performance, cardiovascular system, pulmonary system, human metabolism and muscle physiology.

Prerequisite: BG2119

Atomic Physics

4 AU | Currently not offered

Detailed course information

Introduction to atomic physics and the quantum mechanical properties of atoms. The fundamental concepts taught here are applicable to condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, and molecular physics.

Prerequisite: PH3101.

Astrophysics and Cosmology

3 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Advanced astrophysics topics covered include coalescing binaries which emit gravitational waves and topics covered in cosmology include the discussion of the cosmological principle that leads to the derivation of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric.

Prerequisites: PH1107, PH2101, and PH2103.

Physics of Classical and Quantum Information

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Interdisciplinary course covering a rapidly growing cross-disciplinary research frontier between physics, information science and computation. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of classical and quantum information science, including topics in information physics, quantum information, and quantum computation.

Prerequisites: (PH2101 and MH1402) OR (PH2101 and MH2802) OR (CZ1016 and MH2802) OR (CY1602 and CY1307)

Open Quantum Systems

4 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Introduction of basic formalism and interpretation of decoherence of open quantum systems, so students have a more complete understanding of the philosophical, mathematical and experimental foundations of quantum mechanical phenomena. It applies the mathematical formalisms to describe contemporary experiments in quantum computing, and explores the role decoherence plays in interpretations of quantum mechanics. 

Prerequisites: PH3101

Introduction to Plasma Physics

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

This course introduces the basic plasma physics: the concept of plasmas, the theories describing it, and some of its unique phenomena. It aims to facilitate students with some common problem-solving skills, both analytically and numerically. It also covers applications in solar physics, astrophysics, nuclear fusion reactors, industry, and daily life. 

Prerequisites: PH2102 and PH2103.

Signal and Noise in Biology

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Introduction of quantitative biology using a diverse range of phenomena related to signal and noise in biological systems as examples. Students will learn some basic yet essential mathematical techniques and discover how these tools further our understanding of biology and biophysics. 

Prerequisite: MH1802

Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

This course is an introduction to the mathematical structures which underlie the description of physical systems, with a special emphasis on geometric concepts. Students will acquire basic notions on manifolds, differential forms, curvatures, Lie groups, symmetries. Students will also learn about the direct use of these concepts for the description of various physical phenomena and for the construction of a geometrically consistent formulation of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems. The understanding of such concepts leads to crucial insight into topics ranging from electromagnetism and quantum mechanics to plasmas physics and general relativity. Both the mathematical and intuitive understanding of the introduced objects will be emphasized.

Prerequisites: MH1803.
Mutually exclusive with MH3702.

Fluid Mechanics

4 AU | Currently not offered

Detailed course information

The physics of fluid motion. Topics include equations of flow, compressible and incompressible fluids, and dynamical phenomena in fluids.

Prerequisite: PH2104.

Dynamical System Theory with Chaos and Fractals

4 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Basic concepts of determinism and randomness in the physical world. Topics include dynamical system theory, and the computational and analytical methods for studying chaotic and nonlinear systems.

Prerequisite: PH2104.
Mutually exclusive with MH3320.

Fabrication of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Principles and techniques for fabricating micro- and nano-electronic devices. Topics include semiconductor-based device fabrication and magnetic, organic and bioMEMS devices.

Prerequisite: PH2102


4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Fundamental concepts and principles of photonics. Topics include optoelectronic systems, discrete devices, and optical communications.

Prerequisites: PH2101 and PH2301.


3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Introduction to how physics approaches living matter. Topics include molecular biophysics, structural biology, and common biophysical methods used to investigate the structure and dynamics of biomolecules.

Prerequisite: PH2103.

Year 4 Courses

Note: not all Year 4 courses are offered yearly.  “Even AYs” refers to academic years (AYs) beginning in an even calendar year (e.g., AY2020/2021).  “Odd AYs” refers to AYs beginning in an odd calendar year (e.g., AY2021/2022). For example, an “Even AY” Semester 2 course will be offered in AY2020/2021, even though the Semester 2 instruction period takes place in an odd calendar year (2021).

Quantum Mechanics III

4 AU | Not offered
Register for PH7024 instead

Advanced concepts in quantum mechanics, with a focus on the quantum behavior of multi-particle systems.

Prerequisite: PH3101.
This course is no longer offered. Interested students should instead register for PH7024 (Graduate Quantum Mechanics).

Condensed Matter Physics II

4 AU | Not offered
Register for PH7003 instead

Advanced concepts in solid state physics.

Prerequisite: PH3201 and PH3102.
This course is no longer offered. Interested students should instead register for PH7003 (Graduate Solid State Physics).

Surfaces and Interfaces

4 AU | Semester 1 | Yearly

Detailed course information

Key concepts in surface and interface science, with a focus on electronic structures. Topics include the thermodynamics of surface phenomena, Schottky barriers and band offsets in semiconductors, band engineering, and analytical techniques such as scanning tunneling microscopy and photoemission.

Prerequisite: PH3102.

Nanoscale Physics

3 AU | Semester 2 | Yearly

Detailed course information

How quantum mechanical behavior emerges in condensed matter systems at the nanometer scale. This course provides an overview of nanoscale phenomena that can be observed experimentally, and the analytical skills for describing them. Students will acquire the knowledge required to follow or perform research in applied nanoscience and technology.

Prerequisite: PH3101 and PH3102.

Nuclear Physics

3 AU | Semester 1 | Yearly

Detailed course information

The structure of nuclei and their properties. Topics include the properties of nuclei, nuclear structure, selection rules for alpha, beta and gamma decay processes, nuclear lifetimes, and nuclear reactors and nuclear power.

Prerequisite: PH3101

Quantum Electronics

4 AU | Semester 2 | Odd AYs

Detailed course information

Advanced topics in photonics and optical technology, including classical linear and nonlinear optics, semiclassical and quantum models of light-matter interaction, lasers, and the generation of short laser pulses.

Prerequisites: PH1105 and PH2101.

Introduction to Experimental Particle Physics

3 AU | Semester 1 | Yearly

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Survey of particle physics for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. Topics include the Standard Model of quarks, leptons and the fundamental interactions, tests of conservation laws, probes of physics beyond the Standard Model, experimental techniques in particle physics, and current and future experimental challenges.

Prerequisite: division approval.

Introduction to Spintronics

4 AU | Semester 2 | Even AYs

Detailed course information

Introduction to magnetics and spintronics technologies, which are used in hard disk drives and the emerging field of magnetic random access memory. Topics include the fundamentals of magnetism, magnetic recording technologies, and spintronic devices.

Prerequisites: PH2102 and PH3102.

Physics in the Industry

4 AU | Semester 2 | Yearly

Detailed course information

Introduction to physics-related industries, including how physics is applied to a wide range of industries. Students taking this course can make more informed decisions on the industries that suit their career interests.

Prerequisites: PH3101 and (PH3102 or PH3103).

Computational Physics

4 AU | Not offered

Register for PH7013 instead

Use of computational methods for studying complex physical situations, such as multi-dimensional systems, nonlinear phenomena, and stochastic phenomena.

Prerequisite: PH3101.
This course is no longer offered. Interested students should instead register for PH7013 (Advanced Numerical Methods for Physicists).

Statistical Mechanics II

4 AU | Not offered
Register for PH7002 instead

Advanced course in statistical mechanics and its applications to complex physical systems.

Prerequisites: PH3101 and PH3201.
This course is no longer offered. Interested students should instead register for PH7002 (Concepts in Statistical Mechanics).


4 AU | Not offered
Register for PH7006 instead

Advanced course in the dynamics of electromagnetic fields.

Prerequisite: PH2102.
This course is no longer offered. Interested students should instead register for PH7006 (Classical Electrodynamics).

Topics in Physics

3 AU | Currently not offered

Detailed course information

Special course in theoretical physics. Currently not offered. For course mapping for students going on exchange.

Prerequisite: division approval.

Introduction to General Relativity

3 AU | Semester 2 | Yearly

Detailed course information

Introduction to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the most accepted classical theory of gravitation, covering the mathematical formulation of general relativity and its observable consequences.

Prerequisite: PH2102 and PH2104.

Quantum Field Theory with applications in Condensed Matter Physics

4 AU | Semester 2 | Even AYs

Detailed course information

Introduction to the quantum theory of fields. Topics include the basic methods of quantum field theory and its applications to particle physics to many-body problems in condensed matter physics.

Prerequisite: PH3101.

Topics in Physics II

3 AU | Currently not offered

Detailed course information

Special course in theoretical physics. Currently not offered. For course mapping for students going on exchange.

Prerequisite: division approval.

Seminar in Mathematical Physics

2 AU | Semester 2 | Yearly

Detailed course information

A series of seminars given by theoretical physicists who employ cutting-edge mathematical tools for their research and pure/applied mathematicians who work in areas of mathematics that can potentially be applied to physics.

Prerequisite: NIL

Applicable to PHMS students only as core course.

Physics of Semiconductor and Devices

4 AU | Semester 2 | Yearly

Detailed course information

Introduction on the physics of semiconductor and devices. Topics include principles, design, functionality and applications of the devices, logic semiconductor devices such as diode and transistor, or memory semiconductor devices such as SRAM, DRAM, NAND Flash, will be explained in detail.

Prerequisite: PH3102.

Soft Condensed Matter Physics

3 AU | Semester 2 | Yearly

Detailed course information

Introduction to the physics of soft matter, such as colloids, foams, granular media and liquid crystals. The course will cover both the theoretical concepts and the experimental methods used to develop and study soft matter.

Prerequisite: PH2103.

Topics in Applied Physics

3 AU | Currently not offered

Detailed course information

Special course in applied physics. Currently not offered. For course mapping for students going on exchange.

Prerequisite: division approval.

Medical Physics for Radiotherapy

4 AU | Semester 2 | Yearly

Detailed course information

Fundamentals of radiation physics, with a focus on clinical applications. Topics include the basic concepts and techniques of dosimetry, treatment planning, radiobiology, radiotherapy, and radiation safety.

Prerequisite: PH3101

Biomedical Imaging and Sensing

3 AU | Semester 1 | Yearly

Detailed course information

Introduction to cutting-edge biosensing and bioimaging techniques. This course emphasises how basic physics principles are applied to instruments for biosensing and imaging, and implications for the treatment of medical problems.

Prerequisite: PH2301.

Plasmonics and Metamaterials

3 AU | Semester 2 | Odd AYs

Detailed course information

The physics of plasmonic devices and metamaterials, which are used to manipulate electromagnetic waves at nanometer length scales. The course emphasises state-of-the-art developments at the intersection of photonics, solid state physics, and spectroscopy.

Prerequisite: PH2102.

Topics in Applied Physics II

3 AU | Currently not offered

Detailed course information

Special course in applied physics. Currently not offered. For course mapping for students going on exchange.

Prerequisite: division approval.

Ionising Radiation-Based Imaging

3 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

The main objective of the course is to give students a bachelor-level introduction to the application of ionizing radiations in biomedical imaging.

Prerequisite: PH3301.

Medical Physics Beam Modelling and Dosimetry

3 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Understanding different dose calculation algorithms in commercial treatment planning system (TPS) and the importance of proper beam modelling during the commissioning of a Linear Accelerator (LINAC) and TPS.

Prerequisite: PH4605.

Graduate Level Courses

The following graduate level courses are also available for undergraduates. Other graduate-level courses may also be read by undergraduates, subject to Division approval.

Concepts in Statistical Mechanics

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PAP710

An introduction to the physics of phase transitions. Topics covered include scaling; critical exponents; universality; fractal behavior; transfer matrix; Monte Carlo simulations; renormalization group.

Graduate Solid State Physics

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PAP711

Advanced concepts and problem solving skills in condensed matter physics. Topics covered include Second Quantization; Electrons in a lattice; Mean Field Theory; Linear Response Theory; Topology in condensed matter. 

Classical Electrodynamics

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PAP716

Unified macroscopic theory of the dynamics of classical electromagnetic waves, in accordance with the form invariance of the Maxwell equations and the constitutive relations.  Topics covered include fundamental importance of the k vector in electromagnetic wave theory; Media; Reflection and Guidance; Radiation; Theorems; Relativity.

Nonlinear Dynamics

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PAP721

Basic concepts of determinism and randomness in the physical world.  Topics covered include Linear Dynamical System; Ingredients of a Dynamical System; Stability Properties of Linear Dynamical System; Phase Portraits from the Stability Properties of Manifolds of Fixed Points in Continuous-Time Nonlinear Dynamical System; Bifurcations; Lorenz Equations; Nonlinear Mapping and their Dynamical Properties; Fractals. 

Advanced Numerical Methods for Physicists

4 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Numerical solutions of differential equations in classical mechanics, quantum mechanics and electromagnetism. Monte Carlo methods for statistical mechanics simulation. Optimization and data analysis. Various advanced topics including Quantum Monte Carlo and Density Functional Theory.

Optical Spectroscopic Techniques

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PAP731

State-of-the-art optical spectroscopic and imaging techniques for non-destructive materials characterization, with widespread use in the study of conventional bulk and thin films as well as nanoparticles, nano-devices and bio-molecular systems. Topics covered include reflection and transmission spectroscopy; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Raman scattering; photoluminescence; ultrafast spectroscopy; a brief introduction to nonlinear optics and the basics of lasers.

Advanced Optics

4 AU | Semester 2

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Previously listed as PAP732

Fundamental concept and principles of key topics in advanced optics and nonlinear optics. Mechanisms of beam manipulation, generation of ultrafast laser pulses, optical resonators, wavelength conversion, nonlinear absorption etc. 

Quantum Information

4 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PAP750

Central theoretical framework and tools which are paramount to understanding the advantage brought by quantum information processing and some experimental basics of realizing these technologies. 

Graduate Quantum Mechanics

4 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PAP777

Advanced topics in quantum mechanics. Topics covered include scattering theory; resonances; quantum entanglement; the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and Bell's inequalities; fermions and bosons; second quantization; principles of quantum field theory; and quantum electrodynamics.

Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy

4 AU | Semester 1

Detailed course information

An introduction to plasma physics applied to magnetic fusion energy. Topics covered include thermonuclear fusion & magnetic configuration; equilibrium and MHD stability; confinement and transport; plasma heating; plasma-wall interaction; designing a fusion reactor. 

Projects and Internships

The following modules are available for students admitted in 2016 or later, for the completion of their Final Year Project and internship/attachment degree requirements.

Final Year Project

11 AU | For students admitted 2016-2018

Detailed course information

Two-semester research project, supervised by a faculty member, culminating in a thesis report and a seminar presentation.

Prerequisites: Division Approval.
Not available to students who have taken/are taking the 22-week internship (PH4417). For students admitted 2019 or later, the Final Year Project is PH4421.

Professional Attachment

5 AU | Pass/Fail | For students admitted 2016 and after

Detailed course information

Ten-week attachment in an approved company or institution.

Prerequisites: For PPHY/APHY: PH1104, PH1105, PH1106, PH1107, PH1198, PH1199, PH2101PH2103, PH2198, and PH2199; or by permission. For PHMS: PH1104, PH1105, PH1106, PH1107, PH1198, PH2101, PH2198, and PH2199; or by permission.
Not available to students who have taken/are taking PH4417 or other internship modules.

Professional Internship

11 AU | Pass/Fail | For students admitted 2016-2018

Detailed course information

Twenty-two week internship in an approved company or institution.

Prerequisites: PH1104, PH1105, PH1106, PH1107, PH1198, PH1199, PH2101, PH2102, PH2103, PH2104, PH2198, PH2199, PH3101, and PH3102; or by permission.
Not available to students who have taken/are taking PH4416 or other internship modules, or the Final Year Project (PH4415 or PH4421).

Professional Internship

10 AU | Pass/Fail | For students admitted 2019 and later

Detailed course information

Twenty-week internship in an approved company or institution.

Prerequisites: For PPHY: PH1104, PH1105, PH1106, PH1107, PH1198, PH1199, PH2101, PH2102, PH2103, PH2104, PH2198, PH2199, PH3101, PH3103, and PH3199; or by permission. For APHY: PH1104, PH1105, PH1106, PH1107, PH1198, PH1199, PH2101, PH2102, PH2103, PH2198, PH2199, PH3101, PH3103, and PH3199; or by permission.
Not available to students admitted in 2019 and 2020 who have taken/are taking PH4416 or other internship modules, or the Final Year Project (PH4415 or PH4421), or PH4703 OEP6, PH4704 OEP6, PH4900, or PH4901.

Final Year Project

10 AU | For students admitted 2019 and after

Detailed course information

Two-semester research project, supervised by a faculty member, culminating in a thesis report and a seminar presentation.

Prerequisites: Division Approval.
Not available to students who have taken/are taking PH4405 Final Year Project, PH4415 Final Year Project, PH4902 WSDeg FYP. 

Overseas Entrepreneurship Programme (6-month)

10 AU | Semester 1 & 2 | For students admitted in 2021 and later

Detailed course information

Overseas Entrepreneurship Programme (6-month)

10 AU | Semester 1 & 2 | For students admitted in 2019 to 2020

Overseas Entrepreneurship Programme (6-month)

11 AU | Semester 1 & 2 | For students admitted in 2016 to 2018

Detailed course information

6-month internship with a startup company, located in a major global innovation hub (remote internship can be arranged if there are travel restrictions).

The Overseas Entrepreneurship Programme (OEP) allows entrepreneurially inclined students to intern at a startup company, so as to experience the process and challenges that entrepreneurs face in building and growing their companies. The startup companies are located in major global innovation hubs such as Silicon Valley, New York, Shanghai and Berlin. Students can also opt to work for a startup company that is based in Singapore, but with ambitions to grow their business globally.

Introduction to Undergraduate Research Experience

3 AU | Special Term | For early matriculated and Year 1 students only

Detailed course information

Research in a selected field of study, under the supervision of a faculty member.

Prerequisite: Division Approval.

Legacy Project and Internship Courses

The following modules are only available for students admitted in 2015 or earlier, for the completion of their Final Year Project and internship/attachment degree requirements.

Final Year Project

10 AU | For students admitted 2015 or earlier

Detailed course information

Two-semester research project, supervised by a faculty member, culminating in a thesis report and a seminar presentation.

Professional Attachment

4 AU | Pass/Fail | For students admitted 2015

Detailed course information

Ten-week attachment in an approved company or institution.

Professional Internship

10 AU | Pass/Fail | For students admitted 2015

Detailed course information

Twenty-two week internship in an approved company or institution.

Physics Courses For Non-Physics Majors


3 AU | Semester 1 & 2

Detailed course information

This course teaches the basic concepts and problem solving skills in Mechanics, Thermal Physics and Electricity & Magnetism. You will develop physical intuition and analytical skills which are important for studying physical systems and solving problems in these areas of Physics.

Prerequisite: Physics at A or H2 level, or equivalent.
Not available to students who have taken/are taking CY1305, CY1306, FE1001, FE1011, IM1091, MS1001, PH1012, PH1104, PH1106, or PH116S.
This course is also offered as a GER-PE (STS).

Physics A

4 AU | Semester 1 & 2

Detailed course information

This course teaches basic concepts and problem solving skills in Mechanics, Thermal Physics and Electricity & Magnetism. You will develop physical intuition and analytical skills which are important for studying physical systems and solving problems in these areas of Physics.

Not available to students who have taken/are taking CY1305, CY1306, FE1001, FE1011, FE1012, IM1090, PH1011, PH1104, PH1106, or PH116S.
This course is also offered as a GER-PE (STS).

Unrestricted Electives

Electronics for the Experimentalist

3 AU | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Basic concepts and applications of electronic elements and circuits. Topics include analog and digital electronics, tools for circuit design and board layout, and typical circuits for scientific instrumentation. The course includes laboratory sessions providing hands-on experiments with various prototype circuits, and a project to design and realize a simple electronic device.

Making and Tinkering Lite I

2 AU | Pass/Fail | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PS9886

Introduction to useful technological skills including computer-controlled electronics, 3D printing, and techniques for building basic equipment and products related to Science and Technology.

This course is also offered as Major Prescribed Elective for Applied Physics students.

Making and Tinkering Lite II

2 AU | Pass/Fail | Semester 2

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PS9887

Introduction to useful technological skills including computer simulation, prototyping with 3D printing, and other techniques for building basic equipment and products related to Science and Technology.

Prerequisite: School approval
This course also offered as a Major Prescribed Elective for Applied Physics students.

Making and Tinkering

4 AU | Special Terms

Detailed course information

Previously listed as PS9888

A special course in applying scientific knowledge to open-ended real life problems. Students work together to identify a problem, and create a prototype to solve it.

Prerequisite: School approval