Final Year Project


Physics and Applied Physics majors have the opportunity to undertake a Final Year Project (FYP). The FYP is a two-semester research project supervised by a faculty member. The project is required to involve some degree of new and original research, not just a review of previous work. At the end of the project, the student produces a thesis report, gives a seminar-style presentation, and undergoes an in-person oral examination (viva).

Students who do not undertake a FYP are required to perform a Professional Internship. Only students who complete the FYP with an A- grade or above are eligible to graduate with Honours (Highest Distinction).

Preparing for the Final Year Project

To start your FYP, you must first complete all your core courses before declaring your interest for FYP (For U20 and before, 12 AU of PH3XXX/PH4XXX courses must be cleared). Before each semester commences, an email reminder will be sent out to eligible students who have fulfilled the prerequisites. Please reply promptly to the email to indicate your interest.

Once approved, you will be informed via an email that you have been granted access to the Final Year Project System via Student Intranet (Academic Matters → Projects, Selections and Approvals → Final Year Projects/ Programme Research). Here, you can find a list of faculty members with available FYPs.

You are not restricted to faculty members who have posted to this list; you may also take the initiative to approach any faculty member to be your FYP supervisor, subject to the following conditions:

  • The main supervisor must be a faculty member from the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS).
  • If the main supervisor is from the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, the FYP can optionally be co-supervised by a faculty member from elsewhere, or a researcher in industry.
  • If the main supervisor is an SPMS faculty member but not in the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, a co-supervisor from Physics and Applied Physics must be assigned.

The research topic will be jointly determined between you and your supervisor(s). Note that even though we support interdisciplinary projects, all FYPs must maintain a physics component.

Your supervisor must then register you as an FYP student. Please use the Final Year Project System to double-check that you have been registered. This must be done before the end of the Add/Drop period.

Registering for the Final Year Project

You must also enroll in the relevant FYP course for two consecutive semesters (Sem1-to-Sem2 or Sem2-to-Sem1):

  • PH4421 for students admitted in AY19/20 and later
  • PH4415 for students admitted in AY16/17 - AY18/19

Students admitted before AY21/22 who undertake the FYP are not eligible for the Professional Internship module (PH4417/PH4420).

If you have not completed the prerequisites for the FYP, you may submit a Waiver of Prerequisites request via the NTU Online Course Registration process, during the waiver application period. Such requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.

If you have gone on an exchange programme but have not completed the credit transfer process, please contact SPMS Undergraduate Studies as soon as possible, and send the following items: (i) the Course Matching Approval document, and (ii) the full official transcript provided by the host university, OR the list of courses registered during exchange. Both documents should include your full name. If you subsequently find that you did not pass the courses read during the exchange programme, inform the School immediately.

During the Final Year Project

Before commencing work, all FYP students must attend a safety briefing conducted by the SPMS Safety Manager. This briefing is given at the start of each semester.

The FYP course will be listed on your degree audit as 10 AU (for PH4421​) or 11 AU (for PH4415). However, it counts as 5 AU per semester. Please plan your timetable carefully and ensure that you are not overloaded.

You must meet with your supervisor(s) regularly throughout the course of the project. Bear in mind that the FYP should involve original research, not just a review or reimplementation of previous work. It is your responsibilty to pace the progress of your research so that the completed project meets this standard. If you are working on an interdisciplinary project, be sure to meet regularly with your supervisor or co-supervisor from the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, to help ensure that the project remains sufficiently relevant to physics.


By the end of the second and final semester of your FYP, you must write a research thesis. Please consult with your research supervisor in advance regarding the writing of the thesis. You should allocate at least several weeks for this!

Oral presentation

At the end of the final semester, you must give a presentation (approximately 30 minutes) about your research and its outcomes. This presentation will be attended and graded by two faculty examiners. You will be informed of the venue and date for the presentation via email.

Viva examination

Shortly before or after your oral presentation, you must schedule and complete in-person (viva) examinations with two faculty examiners. Each viva will last approximately 10-40 minutes, and you may be asked about anything regarding the research project. You will be informed of the assigned viva examiners via email. Please schedule your vivas with them in advance, and give them a copy of your thesis as soon as possible. Please ask each examiner whether they want a hardcopy or softcopy of your thesis.

Thesis submission

This consists of several steps:

First, you must upload the final version of your thesis via the Turnitin plagiarism checker on NTULearn.

Second, you must submit a hardcopy of the thesis, along with a printout of the Turnitin report, to your supervisor and examiners. You will be informed of the submission deadline for doing this by email. The thesis submission must be completed before the viva component of assessment can commence.

If the thesis deadline is missed, a penalty of 10% multiplied by the number of days late will be applied to the thesis. If you feel you have a valid reason for this penalty to be waived, please make a request to the FYP coordinator before the deadline. Students who miss the thesis submission deadline by one week or more will fail completely.

Third, you must upload the final version of your thesis to the NTU Digital Repository (DR-NTU) for archiving:

  1. Go to the NTU Digital Repository.
  2. Click on Login, and log in using your student network account (note: do not use your full email address, i.e., omit the part, and do not specify an NT domain name, i.e., omit the STUDENT\).
  3. Click on "Start a New Submission".
  4. Select SPMS Student Report (FYP/IA/PA/PI), and follow the on-screen instructions to upload the thesis.

If you encounter any problems, please refer to the DR-NTU User Guide, or email

If an embargo or exemption is needed for the upload to DR-NTU, follow these steps:

  1. Download and fill in the Request Form for Embargo or Exemption of Thesis/FYP
  2. Get your supervisor to sign and endorse the request form.
  3. Email the completed request form to and CC your supervisor.
  4. The Library will reply within three working days. Once approved,
    • For embargo, follow the Library’s instructions to submit and set the embargo for your work in DR-NTU.
    • For an approved exemption, you do not need to submit your work or the metadata record to DR-NTU.

For more details on the embargo and exemption policies, please refer to the DR-NTU User Guide.

Grading Scheme

The grade for the FYP course is assigned as follows:

Supervisor Report
Prepared by FYP supervisor (and/or co-supervisor).
Averaged scores from two faculty examiners.
Oral Presentation
Averaged scores from two faculty examiners.
Viva Examination
Averaged scores from two faculty examiners.

The grading sheets are available here: Supervisor Form | Examiner Form.


If you need help with any FYP-related matter, please email the FYP Coordinator for Physics and Applied Physics.