Chair's Message

Welcome to the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (WKWSCI) at NTU, Singapore!
Our School is among the world's foremost institutions dedicated to communication and information studies. Here, you will encounter a vibrant community: our talented students are curious and energetic, innovative and compassionate; our esteemed faculty are recognised for their excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement; our amazing administrative staff are known for their dedication, professionalism, and care.
We enjoy a robust alumni network spanning Singapore, Asia, and beyond. Together with a broad range of industry partners in media and related sectors, our School is at the forefront of producing knowledge and nurturing info-comm professionals for a wide variety of business and information services in both private and public sectors, locally, regionally, and globally.
The landscape of media, communication, and information industries is shifting rapidly due to AI (artificial intelligence) advancement and urgent global issues such as climate change and disinformation. Our curriculum and research initiatives are therefore agile and responsive, evolving with new technologies, social transformations, and environmental dynamics. They are rooted in various disciplines including the social sciences and data sciences as well as humanistic and critical scholarship. Our students benefit from diverse learning experiences on and off campus, from service learning and overseas exchange programs that prepare them to thrive in a dynamic, interconnected world.
We are committed to fostering leaders and scholars who train their expertise on examining and addressing complex problems in emerging media, AI and data industries, journalism, cultural sectors, health behaviours, environmental campaigns, information literacy, media policy, and so on. These efforts not only cultivate personal growth but also contribute to societal wellbeing and the advancement of public interest, promoting inclusive and sustainable development for generations to come.
The name of our School embodies our mission and vision. WKWSCI is named after the beloved former President Wee Kim Wee of Singapore. Known as the “People's President”, he rose from a humble background to become a distinguished journalist and diplomat, before taking on the presidential role. His legacy of resilience and service will continue to inspire us as we navigate today’s changing social, cultural, and technological landscape, in pursuit of excellence and impact.
I invite you to join us in shaping the future of communication and information at the Wee Kim Wee School!
Professor Jack Linchuan Qiu
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Our Future
As a global leader, we offer advanced thinking, outstanding education and cutting-edge research to equip future generations of communication and information leaders for roles that will bring meaningful value to society in Singapore and beyond.
Who We Are
The Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information is highly regarded internationally for the exceptional quality of its research and education. Part of NTU’s College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, it was established in 1992.
Our Strengths
Our school is built on solid foundations: respected multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary teaching and research faculty, talented students, distinguished alumni, state-of-the-art curricula, and top facilities. Our geographical location allows us to bring together the best of East and West.
Our Values
We are an inclusive community, committed to education for all and constantly in pursuit of excellence. We celebrate innovation through study and creativity that informs and creates insights to improve lives. We value long-term relationships with those who cross our path.