
Join us on this journey where we strive to provide our students with the opportunity to explore endless possibilities, discover their passion, and bring their dreams to life.

With your contributions, we can continue to provide an enriching and meaningful learning experience for the students, guiding and empowering our future generations to spark change and make a difference wherever they go.

Whether you give $2, hundreds or millions, your gift is an integral part of what creates limitless possibilities at WKWSCI.


Benefits of Giving

Double Tax Deduction

All gifts qualify for double tax deduction from IRAS.

Naming Opportunities

Naming opportunities are available for gifts of $100,000 and up, with disbursement plans that can be spread over two to five years. Gifts can also be designated.

Scholarship & Bursaries

Scholarships and bursaries can be designated. For example, a scholarship can be designated for students pursuing journalism, or a bursary for students taking public relations.

Academic Positions

Fellowships, Professorships, and Endowed Chairs can be named, for eg., Wee Kim Wee Professorship in Communication Studies.

Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund is an important resource for the advancement of the School by supporting student projects, events, conferences and workshops, innovative programmes and research projects. It was set up in 2006 with the objective to benefit students and faculty of the Wee Kim Wee School.

The School administers ten of the 31 different funds that it benefits from.


The establishment of the Wee Kim Wee Endowed Professorship in Communication Studies and the appointment of eminent professors at the school would be able to initiate more research and study into communication in the areas of journalism, publishing, electronic and broadcast media, public and promotional communication and communication research, to cope with the needs of a rapidly advancing information society. It helps the school to become a centre of excellence in communication teaching, research and service to the industry.
Funds raised will remain intact in perpetuity. Its distributable income will support scholarships, bursaries, innovative programmes, fellowships, professorships, and niches of excellence at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information.

The Shaw Foundation Pte was established in 1957 by the late Tan Sri Dr Runme Shaw, together with his brother Sir Runrun Shaw, who believed education was more important than money. It is one of the largest charitable organisations in the world and has donated over S$245 million through the years, with approximately half going to education, and the rest to welfare, medicine, arts and cultural institutions.

The main aims is to advance and improve the standard of human life and social well being by fostering, developing and improving education, founding and maintaining of scholarships.

The training fund will be used to establish a specialised programme that will engage media professionals in every area of news media and the professions closely associated with them. Through our training, we encourage reflection on professional issues, expose media professionals and practitioners to voices less often heard, and challenge their reporting standards and behaviour.
Distributable income will be used to cover the travel costs of WKWSCI students taking part in the GO-FAR.

The main aims of GO-FAR is to allow journalism students to apply their reporting skills in a foreign environment, thereby:
  • Preparing them for the work of foreign correspondents
  • Educating them about geographical contexts different from their own
  • Increasing their awareness of global issues that impinge on specific societies
  • Sensitising them to their own cultural assumptions and biases
The distributable income will be used to promote, engage, and encourage students and faculty to do work in the area of ageing through activities such as:
  • Internships (within or outside Singapore)
  • Final-Year projects (e,g. promotional campaigns, documentaries)
  • Seminars and Conferences
  • Research projects (e.g. Senior citizens’ use of the internet or the way that older people are portrayed in the media and its impact on public perception of ageing and older people)

The main aims for developing these projects are:
  • to engage the students’ interest and understanding in the issues of ageing
  • to promote the appreciation of the critical role that media plays in influencing public mindsets about ageing and older people as well as the significance of its impact
  • to cultivate a more balanced and less ageist perception and attitude towards the aged and the concept of ageing
The distributable income will be used to promote, engage, and encourage students and faculty to do work in the area of real estates through activities such as:
  • Internships (within or outside Singapore)
  • Final-Year Projects (e.g., promotional campaign, documentaries)
  • Workshops, seminars, and conferences
  • Research projects
Aims for developing these property & real-estate related projects is to help promote, engage and encourage the students of SCI and the faculty to do work in the area of real estate.
The fund will be used (but not limited to):
  • Internships (within or outside Singapore)
  • Final-Year Projects (e.g. promotional campaign, documentaries)
  • Workshops, seminars, and conferences
  • Research projects
Aims for developing these projects is to educate, cultivate a positive attitude for early detection of lung diseases and creating among young people, the awareness of prevention and community services available from SATA.
The award is open to all students of the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at NTU who are going to a reputable university approved by the Scholarship Committee for their exchange programmes.

Applicants must demonstrate good academic performance (Cumulative Grade Point Average should be above 4.0), and a passion to learn from the exchange programme. 
This award will be for the Best Video Final-Year Project, where the cash award will be evenly divided among individual students (2 minimum; 4 maximum) from the group chosen for the Best Final-Year video. The results of the award will be deliberated by one supervisor and two moderators (faculty of SCI).

No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.