Electricity and Magnetism
Course Code: PH1106
Course Description:
This course
introduces basic notions of Electric, Magnetic fields and circuits.
Electric fields - Coulomb’s law, electric field & potential; Gauss’
law; capacitors and capacitance; Current of electricity; Ohm’s Law;
Microscopic model of electrical conduction. Kirchoff’s laws; RC
circuits. Magnetic fields – Biot-Savart’s Law and Ampere’s law; Lorentz
force; Hall effect; mass spectrometer; JJ Thompson’s experiment;
magnetic flux; Gauss’s Law of magnetism; Faraday’s and Lenz’s law;
transformers; inductors and inductance. Electrical circuits - voltage,
current and resistance; Oscillations in circuits - LC circuits and
relative phases; complex current and voltage; complex impedance; LCR
circuits and electrical resonance. High pass filters and low pass
filters. Electromagnetic Waves – properties of electromagnetic waves;
Poynting vector.
Year Taken: Year 1 or 2
Next Offered: Sem 2
Prerequisite: A or H2 Physics
and Maths; Not available to: Students who have taken/are taking PH1011,
PH1012, PH1102, PAP112, PH1802, PAP182, EE1002, PHYS1B, CY1302, CY1306