Isotope Geochem Laboratory 2

The research focus on Uranium-Thorium dating of carbonates to understand how hydro-climate changes in the tropics during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The group work with both terrestrial and marine sediment samples from the tropics, including speleothems and corals.
Equipment: (Laser Ablation) ICP Mass Spectrometer
Model/Brand: iCAP Q Thermo Scientific
- Highly reproducible multi-element analysis in a variety of sample matrices across the entire mass range from Li to U.
- Optional use of He gas in a collision cell to reduce polyatomic interferences.
- Secondary electron multiplier detector provides a high linear dynamic detection range over 9 orders of magnitude for the accurate analysis of traces to major element concentrations.
- Photon Machines Analyte G2 laser ablation sampling system is used to microsample solid materials with minimal sample preparation at micro-scale spatial resolution.

Equipment: Laser Ablation Sampling System
Model/Brand: ANALYTE G2 Thermo Fisher
Photon Machines Analyte G2 laser ablation sampling system is used to microsample solid materials with minimal sample preparation at micro-scale spatial resolution.

Equipment: Multi-collector ICP-MS
Model/Brand: Neptune Plus Thermo Scientific
- Jet Interface: 10- and 20-times higher sensitivity in desolvation mode, across the entire mass range
- High Resolution: resolving powers of up to m/∆m = 8,000 at >10% transmission
Application demands of geosciences and other disciplines that require high-precision isotope ratio measurement, that has the capability to separate polyatomic interferences from the analyte of interest to produce precise and accurate isotope ratios

Equipment: High Performance High Resolution ICP-MS
Model/Brand: Element 2 THERMO SCIENTIFIC
- Sensitivity (Concentric Nebulizer): >1 x 10e9 counts per second (cps)/ppm In
- Detection Power: < 1 ppq for non-interfered nuclides
- Dark Noise: < 0.2 cps
- Dynamic Range: >10e9 linear with automatic gain calibration
- Mass Resolution: 300, 4000, 10,000 (10% valley, equivalent to 5% height) 600, 8000, 20,000 (FWHM)
- Signal Stability: better than 1% over 10 minutes, better than 2% over 1 hour
- Scan Speed (magnetic): m/z 7 -> 240 to 7 < 150 ms
- Scan Speed (electric): 1 ms/jump, independent of mass range
- Oxide and Doubly Charged Ions: ratio BaO+/Ba+ measured < 0.002, ratio Ba2+ / Ba+ measured < 0.03
For multi-elemental analysis by interference-free measurements across the periodic table covering a mg/L to sub pg/L concentration range, from ultra-trace to matrix components.

Equipment: Desolvating Nebulizer System
Model/Brand: Aridus II™ CETAC
- Nebulizer: CETAC Aspire PFA, 50, 100 or 200 µL/min
- PTFE Desolvating Membrane:
- Ar Sweep Gas: 0-7.0 L/min
- Nitrogen Gas: 0-100 mL/min
- Membrane Temperature: 160°C
- Spray Chamber: PFA with pumped drain
- Temperature: 110°C

Equipment: Ductless Hood
- SPD-3B2
- SPD-4B1
- Filtration Elements Pre-filter: Disposable, non washable polyester fiber, 85% arrestance, EU3 rated
- Inflow Air Velocity Initial set point: 0.5 m/s (100 fpm)
To protects from toxic vapors, gases, fumes and particulate

Equipment: Ductless Hood
Model/Brand: AC600 Workstation ESCO MICRO
- AirSafe® automatic safety controller
- Integral base with deep spill lip
- Gas phase bonded carbon filtration
To protects from toxic vapors, gases, fumes and particulate