XRF Facility

The Core Scanner is designed to measure (ideally flat) split core sections or slabs.
Equipment: XRF Core Scanner
Model/Brand: AV60630 Avaatech
Sediment slabs / flat cuts / Speleothem samples
Thickness: 1-70 mm Width: 40-140 mm
X-ray Detection
- X-ray Source: 50W-100W / 50 keV (adjustable), Rhodium type anode and 25 µm Be window
X-ray Detector: An SGX Silicon Drift Detector CUBE, with an energy resolution of 133 eV at 5.9 keV, a collimated area of 50 mm² and a 8 µm thick Beryllium window
Slit System
- Resolution downcore: 0.1–10 mm
- Width crosscore: Variable between 2–12 mm
- X-direction: Range: 0-155 cm Accuracy: +/- 0.003 mm
- Z-direction: Repeatability: 0.05 mm or better
For rapid and non-destructive semi-quantitative determination of the elemental (Al - U) composition of sediments (e.g. marine, lacustrine)