Sharing Economy and Industry Disruption

The sharing economy is an economic model often defined as a peer-to-peer based activity of acquiring, providing, or sharing access to goods and services that are facilitated by a community based online platform.

It’s also predicted to grow to $335 billion by 2025.

The rapid growth of the sharing economy is believed to disrupt and threaten many traditional businesses. For example, it creates fierce competition in the hotel and taxi industries through Airbnb, Uber, and Lyft.

It can also bring problems, including regulatory uncertainty and privacy issues. For example, unlicensed individuals can offer rental services and charge lower prices, while Information on shared platforms can potentially lead to misuse of personal data.

At ITOM, we aim to answer these key questions through our research into:
  • What are the common legitimacy challenges with the appearance of the sharing economy? 
  • How can these legitimacy challenges be overcome?

Selected Publications

Y. Lin, and W.F. Boh, “How Different are Crowdfunders? Examining Archetypes of Crowdfunders,” Forthcoming at Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Saldanha, T., Sahaym, A., Mithas, S., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A., Lee, HH. (July 2019) “IT-enabled Social Integration Capacity and Exploratory Innovation: The Role of Global Cultural Diversity and Global Geographical Dispersion” Information Systems Research.

Y. Lin, and W.F. Boh. (2019) How Different are Crowdfunders? Examining Archetypes of Crowdfunders. Forthcoming at Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Mo, J., Sarkar, S., and Menon, S. (2018). “Making Recommendations in Crowdsourcing Contests.” MISQ. 42(3): 919-944.